Dear reader

Discussion in 'Written' started by scotch222, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Dear old friends on MCS;

    To ponm:

    You find what's meekly hidden
    tones which hits you like a piston
    Layers upon layers
    catching those strayers
    the bass going with your heart
    your feelings splayed in your art
    there is always room to hit it right
    when it's there, what a sight
    building, craftin
    creating, masterin
    it all has it's role
    just following the soul
    sometimes when it hits yah
    Its about to come and split ya
    It'll be ready to burst
    just dive in head first
    sit there listening
    always glower and glistening
    you can't explain why it comes
    to many it's what they want to become
    so listen and relax
    let the sound get through the wax
    get ready to let it flow
    ready set, go!

    To Dettles:

    Enjoy what you have
    make the most
    only one of you
    smile and toast
    enjoy who you are
    wash away the pain
    always give
    sometimes sane
    I think you need to heal
    safety is a seal
    elagent feel
    let us have a great meal
    titles are hollow
    titties are shallow
    everyday you follow
    Dettles, live for tomorow

    To style:

    Sometimes when you walk; things just come to you
    explodes, gushes, and flows through you
    a way to streghten the mind
    to get the facts strait
    to sit down and find
    the time to change fate.
    Its hard to be extrodinary
    when you want to be barely ordinary
    some say that I need to pay attention
    to one subject and listen
    you don't want to be a parade
    but rather be a jack of all trades
    not just to be given a throne and king
    but to know a little of everything

    Man sometimes you have to find yourself
    and don't care about everbody else.
    To get lost in the angels and dragons
    or just to kick back with your friends and a flagon
    some say "Drugs are where it's at"
    but me nah I'll stay here to pet the cat
    take joy in the small things
    because they're gone quick with a small ding

    People think all you feel are greytones
    rather all you hear are monotones
    only a whishwash of sound
    that only threatens to drown
    the spinning, whirling, twirling
    only emphasises the hurling

    At the end of the day
    look back to say
    that it could have been worse
    its not like your life is a curse
    if your in the shitter
    just be the next hitter
    time to take it all the way
    friend, pave the way.

    There are much more but these were especially made for my friends on the server, I may add more later with poems I think match their personalities but not today.
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  2. PickachuKrew

    PickachuKrew Active Member

    Nov 8, 2011
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    *snap, snap*
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. PONM

    PONM Well Known Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    That was awesome man :) thank you