Survival Quick Apology to everyone...

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by shadowslasher11, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    As of lately I've been in a deep area of 'not myself' mode, and I've gone ranting about stupid shit in game and on the forums. Stress has been nailing me a lot lately with work, school, social life, and the server. Also a nervous breakdown today didn't help me much either.

    I've been trying to keep my cool, but it slips out at times and makes me have problems, and I feel like I've been slipping through the grasp of everyone's friendship and making myself come off more as an ass than a good person. I've been ignored by several people as of lately, a few I managed to turn around through explanation of my problems. But I just want everyone to know, if I start going on my ranty-rant, just avoid talking to me and I'll chill out whenever I can.

    I want everyone to know one of my more personal secrets too, it's that I have a mental disorder, (caused by growing up around not the greatest people...) that makes me violent, or furiously difficult to deal with when someone states an opposing opinion or something I don't like. It normally sends me into angry rants on stuff, which has been happening a lot with how the server has been getting prepared lately with 1.7.

    Once again, sorry to all of you.
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  2. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Thanks for that apology- even though I haven't been around long enough to see any one of the rants. In any case, it also doesn't hurt to just get up- go afk: Eat a fudge cake, drink a glass of milk or do whatever to get your mind at ease.

    If you feel yourself slipping, simply give yourself some time to think before you do anything that could cause a problem. Don't worry about arguing to the point you throw yourself into a rage-like-mood, it's not worth it and it's not healthy.

    Other than that, I admire the fact you were able to come forward and apologise for any feelings hurt and any offended persons, see you in the game.
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  3. PickachuKrew

    PickachuKrew Active Member

    Nov 8, 2011
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    It's fine shadow. I'm sure many others of us slip up in real life and in game as well. All that matters is that you're very sorry for any past/future actions that may inflict suffering or stress upon other players. Doing that simple "count to 10" isn't always as simple as you think.

    As anyone who has written an apology on these forums, I will always forgive.
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  4. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I have the same problem too man.

    Just today I was driving from getting breakfast, some guy started getting aggressive with his driving. He cut me off, wouldn't let me change lanes, etc... I got off the parkway because I was contemplating doing a pit maneuver at 90mph.

    If you ever get like that, just get off. No need to escalate the situation. Take a breather. Go do something else.
    Then realize that if someone is being aggressive with you, they are probably having a worse day than you. Smile.
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  5. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Kinda a good decision too, doing something like that at that high of a rate of speed would have made the day worse for both you and the other driver. For the other driver cutting you off and driving aggressively- as Ron White would say, "You can fix your truck, but you can't fix stupid."

    Applause to you for making a good decision BC, and not dealing with the other driver's lack of respect for the road and other drivers.
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  6. imme

    imme Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I want a fudge cake now you done messed up lego
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1