XCOM - Enemy Within

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Tsukasa Kun, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    So I bought the expansion pack for XCOM: Enemy Unkown. It was well worth it. It adds a ton of new content and almost feels like a new game! Taking a break from it for the night because I lost one of my soldiers to a stupid, stupid mistake. But you all should buy it so we can play multiplayer!

    For those of you not familiar with XCOM, It's a turn based strategy game where you command a squad of 4-6 troops, fight some aliens, and cry whenever you lose your most valuable sniper who carried your team through that last mission by clicking the wrong button. (SANTIAGO WHY!??!)
  2. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Haha... yeah. Whenever I lost somebody valuable to a stupid mistake in that game i reloaded my save before the mission and redid it. Great game though :) have not got the expansion yet.
  3. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Ironman. The only way to play. (I'd forget to save my game otherwise)

    But here's what happened if you all want to know
    Spoiler for one of the really cool missions in Enemy Unknown
    Show Spoiler

    So we get this call from canada (who has already left the XCOM project at this point ಠ_ಠ) About an entire town, ship, and the rescue team just disappearing. So I send out my bros to investigate. All the townspeople had turned into zombies, and after shooting them with lazers Pew! Pew! We find the source of the infestation: a whale corpse in the whaling ship that ran aground. So we have to call an airstrike on the whole town; the chryssalids just won't stop spawning. I send my mech across the ship to activate the ship's transponder to call it in, while fighting off the bloodthirsty chryssalids along the way. Oh, by the way - go back to the starting zone in 8 turns or you all die. With Santiago Hawkeye nested on the roof of the warehouse, he picks off the chryssalids as my mech runs back to us; the rest of my team fights off the remainder. It's a mad dash to the finish line and we make it with a turn to spare! Well, not all of us. In his valiant efforts to cover the escape, Santiago was just a few spaces short of the evac zone. upon ending my turn, I get a popup:

    WARNING:Not all soliders are in the evac zone. Any left will not come back with you!
    [Complete mission] [Evacuate Soldiers]
    "Hmm, well I don't want to complete the mission now! I still have to evacuate Santiago!" *Clicks Evacuate Soldiers*
    So Santiago, the sniper who carried the team through the mission, mere feet away from the glowing blue evac zone, gets to watch as his comrades board the ship and fly away, leaving him to die by chryssalids or airstrike. ​