Creative Creative Staff

Discussion in 'Creative Server Suggestions' started by xX_Ricio_Xx, Feb 4, 2014.


Do we need a seperate staff?

  1. Yes, because PVP has one.

  2. Yes, It would help a lot!

  3. No, we don't need anymore.

  4. No, it would be horrible.

  5. I don't care.

  6. Yes, faster reaction time for griefs, harassing, etc.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. xX_Ricio_Xx

    xX_Ricio_Xx Active Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    We do have another post kinda like this but we should debate about this. I've seen a lot of people who would like to see this happen. Like some others, I'm a huge supporter of this, mostly because I would love to be apart of this. I think if we were to actually have this we could have a BETA. Just have the new creative staff be a BETA to see if we really need or want this. With staff, creative would be so much better because that Anti-Spam I tell yah, we need to lower it down. I do "Yes?' and it's "Spam". This would be a huge success in my words!
  2. eightnine

    eightnine Active Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Creative doesn't really need additional staff. If spam is the biggest problem, remember to use the tools that you are given. Simply type /ignore playername and be on your merry way. Instant spam be gone!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. flyingmonkey007

    Nov 14, 2011
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    but that doesn't stop spam and what if people don't know about /ignore. I don't really know if creative is busy is enough for staff however I may be wrong. what I do know if that the spam filter is ridiculous.
  4. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Still doesn't have a major reason to get staff
  5. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    While the creative server population is getting higher, the need to add staff is still not a priority. The only real need for staff would be chat related(since griefing is the fault of the plot owner in the first place). Since chat issues would be the only real need, and since the anti-spam takes care of them for the most part(it is sensitive so we dont need additional staff), staff is not necessary now.

    As always, if you see someone bypassing the plugin and cause a disturbance in chat, screenshot it and post it under the player reports section, many have done that and it is just as effective.

    Adding staff means adding more to PEX, which always has the chance to screw up even more stuff, and it adds additional players that need watched after, more forum permissions, etc. In conclusion, all the additional things that would need to be added/done do not really justify adding a "chat police" rank just cause the current anti-spam plugin is sensitive
  6. imme

    imme Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Comparing PVP to creative is like comparing apples to oranges for obvious reasons. PVP has many rules to be enforced and the staff watch for hackers, abusers, etc...

    Creative has next to no rules to be enforced aside from 6yo kids abusing /me and people claiming they have been griefed

    There is no logic behind the first choice of this survey, sorry.

    This doesn't include all people, but there aren't many people on creative that I would trust as part of my staff team (hypothetically). There is a bit many threads on this topic at this point... Multiple OSs have said if there is a need they will implement staff

    And a "faster reaction to grief" is also not valid because the only true griefs are by people abusing bugs. If someone is added to your plot it's your own fault if they grief your plot because you added them to begin with.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. wackedmind

    wackedmind New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Yes I uses that command a lot but there always is griefing. When lalajan18 was there she had access to a lot of plots and she griefed all of them Zombie12877282 was banned from threats. He was affective by lalajan18.

    Griefs happen everyday and it's no big deal until there is some threats. Stanky is the only staff I seen on the creative server so far to check out what's going on there. So my reason is to have check on the creative server once a day.
  8. imme

    imme Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    On second thought a few staff may be good...

    Everytime I have gotten on the past 2 days, there have been fights between a good 15 players which includes them cursing out of control at each other, using non stop caps, insulting (in great detail...), abusing /me and more

    People always spam the same sentence over and over again until somebody acknowledges them. I have been spammed in /msg by someone asking me a question multiple times. People will sometimes complain about grief. I've heard people mentioning other servers as well.

    Why do I not screenshot this and report it every time? It's not worth the trouble. It's easier just to leave /ch g and forget about it.

    It got so out of hand I left /ch g which I rarely do ever but it was just so spammy and out of control.

    They just do what ever they want because they know that there are rarely staff online and I think if some staff were implemented that overall rule following would start to happen and they would realize that it's not an anarchy and you can't do whatever you want.

    On another note I think finding a way to show some of the creative people the forums would be a good idea. The only people who know about the forums are the survival players and the designers who applied and a few others. The majority of players don't know what the forums are.
    • Agree Agree x 1