Working! Lol... but seriously. Figured it was time for a nice update. I have been slammed more than I've ever been in the past. I no longer do support with DirecTV. Instead, I develop, install, fix, and support software and cashless systems for arcades and other family entertainment centers, like waterparks, bowling alleys, movie theaters, watersport huts (like on the beach), haunted houses, and other amusement facilities. If any of you have ever been to an arcade where they used card systems instead of tokens and tickets, my company is the one that founded that idea. We also make software to supplement that system, like Point of Sale systems and ticket redemption systems. I originally left because I foresaw my life getting much busier than I could handle while also playing minecraft. Boy was I ever right! I quickly left for Ohio for an install, and I've been in multiple locations around the country each month since. My workload has been pretty consistent around 50-60 hours per week, but this leaves me with a lot of time to do things when I work after hours from home. That said, I plan to reincorporate Minecraft back into my routine as a way to get my mind off of work a bit and give myself something else to do. I have a lot of ideas, and I am really excited about getting involved again with the community.