Keeping Your Reputation Up

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by Pinecone, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Be social

    First of all, you want to be social. Not spammy, (this pulls your reputation down) but just talk to other players for help, conversation, etc. Not chatting much will get you little help, and if a staff member is talking to you about something you did crimewise or something you witnessed, you want to talk back and explain anything you witnessed (or did, which I hope didn't happen).

    Be respectful and don't spam

    Second, you want to be respectful and behaved in chat. Insulting people left and right won't get you anywhere. It drops your reputation down greatly. Instead, give out compliments, or don't say anything at all if you have nothing positive/neutral to say. You can cuss, but try not to overuse the words or use them against another player. Many accounts have received perm bans because they are insulting other players. If you do insult a player, please apologize to them meaningfully and never do it again. Don't spam either. For example, sending the message on creative, "SKIN CONTEST AT MY PLOT!!" repeatedly can get you muted or even banned for a day if you have enough warnings. Don't abuse /me or overuse it. Typing /me Omg stanky is online! is abusive use of /me.

    Don't grief in front of someone, especially if it's their plot/land

    Don't grief someone's plot or land in front of them. Yes, it IS the plot owner's fault if they get griefed, but some people blackmail or threaten the owner in real life to get themselves added then pour lava everywhere. In front of the owner, you could get screenshotted and/or have a bad reputation with all of the players on the server. They won't add you. On survival however, you can get banned for an amount of time or a perm if you steal or grief on land you aren't allowed on. If you allow an idiot to build on your land, then it's your fault, but you still should lock your chests. Try not to even grief at all. Staff members can still track what you break!

    Don't add people to your town, plot, or land you don't trust

    As I explained earlier, don't grief. However, the source of "griefing" on creative is because people add random players just if they are asked, "Can you add me?" (Yeah, I know, I was one of these people who were too kind at one point o_O) One out of ten of these players very well may be... a serial griefer! Protect your town and plot by first becoming good friends with people before you add them. Maybe you should only add people you know in real life, I don't know. Whatever fits for you is fine, and it might as well work!

    Befriend or respect staff members extremely well

    These players have the power to mute, kick, or even ban you. Aggravating them is a wonderful thing to do if you want to get perm banned. Listen to them well because they are the bosses around here. Give them evidence if you know of any griefing, lying, insulting, etc. If you break any rules that have to do with chat, these amazing superheros will soon catch you in the act.

    Don't use xray or other hacks

    Xray resource packs and mods are used to spot ores. Doing this is an extreme form of cheating. You don't need to work hard to find diamonds. You don't have a challenge. You have an advantage against other players on the PvP server, Survival server, and Hardcore server. Fly hacks aimbot hacks, and many others let you fly in survival or hit many mobs/players at once. The most "almighty" hack in my terms is the nofall hack. The evil clutches of gravity pull you down with such force that you die. With nofall, this changes and you have complete advantage over the gravity. You can jump down the highest ledge without getting damaged by half a heart. This is taunting to other players and if you're PvPing on a ledge and you fall down, no damage taken, reported!

    Most importantly, be fun!

    This server is lightened up by many players with awesome senses of humor. They bring the server to life, and it is one of the things that make the server one of the very best. They bring out what the server is all about! :)

    Thank you all for reading this and I hope it helped at least one player! :D
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  2. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    There are somethings that I would like to add to this but I have my plate full at the moment. Likely I will create a separate thread because it is going to be based fully on reputation as a person, not in game.

    This is a very well thought out post.
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  3. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Thank you, this means a lot to me. :)
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  4. xX_Ricio_Xx

    xX_Ricio_Xx Active Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Most people already know this...
    • Dislike Dislike x 3
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  5. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Ricio, I wish to inform those who are new to the server or the Internet. Thanks. :)
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  6. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Reputation doesn't matter as long as you are being yourself.
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  7. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    This thread is popular today >.>
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  8. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    um nope...
  9. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I beg to differ.

    Fill, your reputation is that of most staff. Your presence makes regular players act with more dignity. Dare I say with more sanity.

    This is the reputation of all staff. No one dares act a fool when staff is on.

    I've argued and debated quite a bit of people, certain people have ignored me due to my vicious attacks on their beliefs. This is the reputation I have. Their friends will avoid me because they said I am mean, loud, etc... Doesn't matter.
    They will not listen to what I have to say.

    I've had people go as far as taking the opposite opinion - even thought they agree with me- just to debate me.

    In business, if you do good by a customer they may tell 10 of their closest friends how good you are.

    If you do bad, they will tell every single one of their friends, people they met on the street, people at the bank or in the line at the grocery store, how terrible you are.

    I see your point about being yourself.While this is crucial in creating a persona, if you personality is that of a dick, you will be treated like a dick. If not flat out put on ignore like many others who've ended up on mine.
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  10. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    If being yourself means you'll grief, insult, and be a jerk, then it's the opposite.
  11. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    You know what I meant..
    I mean being somebody you aren't to gain popularity, fame, etc.. Which is extremely common in social and public places like these
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    You just don't want to be hated or banned, either.
  13. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Just wanted to give my 2 cents here.

    A good reputation:
    Look to help, not harm
    Create and build up others rather than strive to tear them down and diminish them.
    Treat others as you would want to be treated. (golden rule)
    Be yourself, and always look for ways to improve yourself.
    Improve yourself and the world around you will want to improve with you.
    And always have fun.
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  14. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Thanks for your input. :D
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