Decoration heads are head of peoples accounts that look like a certain mob, block, object etc I have put together a list of player names that all work, there are 2 types, Official ones and unofficial(I tested them). if you find one that doesn't tell me and I will update the list. btw I found all these usernames on the internet I though it would be a good idea to share them Official ones (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Official ones (open) Official ones (close) Official ones Mobs MHF_Blaze MHF_CaveSpider MHF_Chicken MHF_Cow MHF_Enderman MHF_Ghast MHF_Golem MHF_Herobrine MHF_LavaSlime MHF_MushroomCow MHF_Ocelot MHF_Pig MHF_PigZombie MHF_Sheep MHF_Slime MHF_Spider MHF_Squid MHF_Villager Blocks MHF_Cactus MHF_Cake MHF_Chest MHF_Melon MHF_OakLog MHF_Pumpkin MHF_TNTM HF_TNT2 Other MHF_ArrowUp MHF_ArrowDown MHF_ArrowLeft MHF_ArrowRight MHF_Exclamation MHF_Question Unofficial ones (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Unofficial ones (open) Unofficial ones (close) Unofficial ones (note: these are unofficial and could be changed at any moment by the owner of the account.) Mobs brinkley26 (magma cube) JustSmall (squid, different from default texture) KingEndermen (enderdragon) roach555 (ghast) Blocks TheJanHenrik16 (Grass) _Brennian (enderstone) Aced (stone) AutoSoup (redstone lamp) Baker93 (sponge) BowAimbot (bookcase) C418(jukebox) Cakeman2014 (cake) Eternal (TNT) ddrl46 (missing block texture) dylansams (bedrock) Fyspyguy (diamond block) JL2579 (normal piston) klingon (cobblestone) Numba_one_Stunna (netherrack) MightyMega (oak log) OmniSulfur (red sand) PhasePvP (podzol) pomi44 (sponge) Robbydeezle (stone) rsfx (leaves) rugofluk (sand) samstine11 (glowstone) Tereneckla (emerald ore) Other Alistor (monitor) Edna_I (ender eye) Endercreeper7253 (globe) CoderPuppy (computer) FHG_Cam (camera) I_Xenon_I (christmas present) iTactical17 (rubix cube) KylexDavis (apple) nonesuchplace (TV) food (hamburger) Villager (villager)
Err, have you not noticed Mojang updated yet again, just chill and wait for plugin developers to catch up.....
You should check out Nat's post above. For your convenience, I've added it below. Basically, he's saying keep your pants on. The developers of the plugin (the fine folks who make it work) need time to update to the latest release of Minecraft. So, while it does not help us right this second, it will in the future.