Good Friends :)

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by MojoBunny, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. MojoBunny

    MojoBunny Well Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Dear my awesome MCS friends,

    Long time no see! It's me, MojoBunny. I haven't been on MCS for a while, so many of you probably don't recognize me (aka BSPiotr's master.. jk I'm his wife). A lot of things happened to me recently and I can't wait to be active again (just got married a few weeks ago and now I'm disabled because my left foot got injured. lol!).

    This morning, I was walking around outside to enjoy nice weather in Virginia (USA). My left foot is not doing well but I felt really great. For some reason, I started thinking about friends. It is hard to find good friends in real life but I'm thankful that I got a couple of good friends from school/work (and can't forget about some good friends in my church). I "thought" that it was even harder to find good online friends because no one cares that much about having online friends in general. Guess what? MCS proved that I was wrong.

    When I joined MCS years ago (like early 2010?), I never expected that I would find amazing friends here. You know, how can I be real friends with someone I have never met before?

    However, it did happen. It's so amazing that people care about me even if they are hundreds or thousands miles away. I don't call them online friends anymore. They're my good friends. I even found a couple of best friends online. Did I say that I met my husband online 8 years ago? BSPiotr is not Liam Hemsworth, but close enough! :p

    Thank you for being part of our community. Hope you all have a great weekend. :)

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  2. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Ah Mojo, the worst could nail you down and you'd still be happy and fun.

    (PS. Gratz on the wedding.)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. TribalGiant

    TribalGiant Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    We all love Mojo :D
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  4. Dettles

    Dettles Well Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    So happy to call you a great friend, even sister. :)

    It's amazing the friendships that can be formed and the people you meet through something so simple, such as a game. Amazing how people you might haven't yet met can change your life and form great bonds. You may even get a chance to meet some of these people in person and sometimes you become even closer than you were before. Like you and I or the men in our lives. ;) Can even bring people who are already in your life closer together , like Ponm and I.

    *hugs* for you, I miss you tons.
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  5. Audrey9100

    Audrey9100 Active Member

    May 28, 2012
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    I miss seeing you on Mojo :( I can't wait to see you get on more. I hope your foot gets better. :)
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  6. flyingmonkey007

    Nov 14, 2011
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    I was just thinking of you yesterday when someone mentioned q different mojo! They mentioned a Spaimmy abusive player, and I was line "mojo, mo;o?!? As in mojo bunny the admin? Nowata!" Glad you are comming back-very excited to see you plat again. GZ on the wedding and I hope you wont get your foot taken off 0:!!! ( Get it? lucky rabbits foot)

    Sorry for my English-aft wall I'm only a monkey!!!
    • Funny Funny x 2