what is your name? : sophisawsome07 Are you constructor? : yes did you build this alone? : yes the command to get to my plot is : /p h:3 sophisawsome07:adore:
because stanky2 gave me some advice, he told me to put floor's in with different types of room's . so I did. but If I put tiny rooms what is there too put in them? and iv'e changed it so there is less space in the rooms. if u want the more updated version, please go to my plot 3
I'll let him decide then, but to me it looks like a lot of wasted space that would be better served with some detail(maybe a floor pattern or something) or being segmented into smaller areas
Soph, I'm not sure you understand. If I see a lot of flat empty space it means, to me, that you didn't use that space. Go find some video tours of castles, and notice that there are multiple floors, with smaller rooms - places that look like they are tehre for a reason - this is a kitchen, this is a bathroom, this is where they store weapons, this is a jail, etc, etc, etc... You building needs rooms, and details that tells teh viewer what each room is for, and if you hjave 10 bedrooms - somethign that makes each one unique... You have to mimic the detail of real life - if you looked around your bedroom you could name 100 different objects from Desk to computer mouse to drawing paper... Your rooms need details too - after you make rooms. Sorry, still denied. Try again in 30 days.