So ah, I dunno if you remember when I posted that Pokemon art but..I finished it today. Here you go. Will scan it in all nice later
Looks sweet! Out of curiousity, why'd you choose the color scheme to be like that in every box? Pokemon sometimes are split in two by color, various rectangular patterns in the background?
Colors in the pokemon are their type? I dont know what its called anymore but for example: fire, ice, water, poison
Good, good. Can you tell us what colours are what type? And for more difficulty, what does the background for each Pokemon mean?
I haven't played pokemon for a year or 2 but Ill try to name all the types, grass, water, fire, ground, eclectic, steel, psychic, ghost, normal, flying, dark, ice, and rock. I bet I missed a bunch xD
Right part of the background I guess is their weaknesses, and the left is their resistances. Snorlax e.g. is weak against fighting and resistance against nothing (Imunity to ghost types tho). Or Goldeen, weak against grass and electric type moves, but resistance against fire, water and I think the last one is ground... Would make sense, but it could also be rock... I'm better on weaknesses... The geodude ev. line is also quite interesting with it's many weaknesses. Anyway. Love them! You must've put loads of work in to these
Lol i recognize some of those outlines from back when I was a pokemon card player in like... middle school when i was a little kid XD I grew out of that long ago though still, was a fun game. Have always enjoyed those types of games. Later I got into Magic: the Gathering.
I play the spell card, Necropost! to bring you a coming series of things i will be making. Putting in spoiler due to large size. Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Call of Duty: ModernWarfare 2 in a nutshell