Approved Carson378's Designer Plot

Discussion in 'Designers / Engineers' started by carson378, May 6, 2014.

  1. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    (Note: Was unsure how to delete the last post which was a WIP post, so I just figured I'd leave it and post the finished work.)

    1. What is your in game name?: Carson378
    2. Are you a constructor?: Yes
    3. Are you the only builder on the project?: Yes
    4. What is the warp to get to your plot?(ex. /p h Thr0ttie):/p h carson378
    5. Post at least 2 pictures of your plot:

    Attached Files:

  2. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    I was told it would be best to put this here so... Here is the story behind the plot.
    The plot is based off of the song Stairway to heaven, its a fan depiction.

    The meaning of the song is a woman who was addicted to drugs and could not be helped, every day she looked for a new fix, she was looking all day but also fighting herself to beat her addiction, there was a full throttle war going on inside of her, and everywhere she went became a broken home. One day the drugs finally took her, she gave up the fight and found her stairway to heaven, her peace that she wanted for so long.

    The way this is depicted in my plot is under the giant cloud formation that I call heaven, is her soul. Everywhere she went to escape the forces attacking her (The drugs) was destroyed. She would settle down hoping to be safe, and every time she became comfortable and felt at peace, it came back and she had to leave everything she cared about behind. She would rebuild and it would be destroyed, in the end she found her stairway to peace, which is the staircase held up by clouds in the middle of the plot.

    Above the stairway is her own paradise, the streets of Gold she wanted, the place she could call home and her own temple of peace. She was finally free to do what she wanted and live in a safe haven of her own, She could be free of the weights and forces holding her back, destroying everything she held Dear. She as finally at peace in her Personal Safe Haven, and that's what my plot is about.

    (Lyrics posted on signs on the trail.)
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  3. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Carson - your idea here is brilliant - and by that I mean I'm going to give it to you, but I want you to fix some things...

    1) Make the lower level more interesting - less flat ground, better lighting (torches, lamps, something) and if you don't want to do trees, I won't make you, but you could.

    2) The lighting from the cloud just looks bad - try to hide it by putting cloud blocks below the glow and letting the light shine up and reflect off of the main layer. make weird shaped lower clouds so it has some detail like a 3d cloud.

    3) Love the trees in heaven, but I want more WOW when someone hits those steps - break down that square building and do something awesome instead

    You fix up this and a few other things, let me know - you are gonna get Designer.

    I won't even mark this as a fail - I'll leave it up.

    But I expect your changes to take at least a week, or two. So don't report tomorrow saying it's done ok?
  4. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Wow, thank you! It means a lot, and I'm going to make sure I add a lot more and Ill get back to you when I think I have finished.
  5. Dzyriq

    Dzyriq Just another humble Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Like stanky said , your plot has a great theme and there is so much you can do to get a feeling of a broken world. I will just give you a few key words for you to work with here. They contain so much in them selves that I cant really expand on it here.
    • Darkness --> Use dark blocks
    • Fire & Lava --> Her life was like a hell before she found the stairway
    • Cold world
    • Death & Destruction --> Mossy cobblestone, Dead bushes Cracked& mossy stonebrick
    • Landscapeing --> Deep dark ravines
  6. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Ok. I believe I am finally finished. I took about a weeks break from working on it because of life stuff going on, but I came back to it this week. I have around 2 weeks in total work on this and I added quite a bit of content. Most of the time was used contemplating what to add but I took a bit of yours and dzyriqs ideas, volacanoes, deep dark ravines, more lighting, making heaven more majestic, beautiful and aw inspiring.

    I tried to work on the clouds but no matter what formation i made them, they look terrible. So I just went with more of a logical shredded look, where it looks more like an actual cloud from an airplane point of view more than just fluff. When you are ready to take a look and tell me what you think ill be happy to attend :D
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  7. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Dzy and i agree - great job - passed!
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