A Minecraft Story Continued... Hopefully More!!

Discussion in 'Written' started by xariaxx, May 8, 2014.


Should I Do a Blog-ish Thing or a Story

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  2. No

  3. POTATOS! :D

  4. Suuuree?

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  1. xariaxx

    xariaxx Creative Staff
    Staff Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    I'm trying to play this off the Minecraft Story, and post a chapter every day or so.

    Chapter One
    I had been trudging along the dirt path that the peculiar man had pointed me down for several hours, my instincts telling me to turn around, go back, be safe; but I had ruled over them and kept plowing ahead. I found myself strangely tired, for some reason I had expected my stamina to be much higher. The drink? I thought. I never did inquire about its contents and found myself deeply regretting that decision. It hadn’t looked like water, or another type of beverage, but like some sort of concoction that said man had made himself. I was getting delusional, things beginning to change colors before my eyes. Hold yourself together, Abby! I screamed at myself. Keep walking! But I couldn’t. My feet began to drag along the path, kicking up dust. The world tilting, as if someone had spun me around, then let me loose to roam. I fell onto my knees, my head pounding. I heard someone scream loudly, it sounded like a girl; but I was in so much pain, that I didn’t realize that it had come from my own lips. My arms felt like rubber, untrustworthy to support my own weight. I battled with the sickening sensation of being ripped away from consciousness, but it won. The edges of my vision turned black, and slowly it grew, covering my vision. The last sensation I had before completely blacking out was a voice. A women’s voice, worried. And then I heard a baby crying. “Please, save my child!” The voice said. And then I blacked out.

    “Save my little girl…”

    Chapter Two

    My eyes flickered open. This time bold, and I awoke not as precariously awakening as I previously had. I immediately sat up, and scanned my surroundings. I found myself in the same, sad room as I had before; only the Doctor wasn’t here. I saw what looked like a silver knife on one of the desks, dripping with some red liquid. My stomach twisted into a knot, as I found a note next to the knife. The paper was old and dry, and I didn’t know how long it had been there. There was scratchy hand writing on it, as though the person was desperately trying to write while there life was still in their possession. Dear girl, the paper said, I am very sorry to tell you this but, I am not what I seem. I have deceived you… I apologize deeply, for I am one of them. Thoughts swirled in my head as I read on. I should not have put you in such danger by bringing you here. The code forbids me from doing so. But I had to help you. I’m sorry. –Daryl My eyes swelled with tears at the sincerity of the letter. “...The code..." Who was he? I was overwhelmed by the questions, and soon, the answers.

    My head was filled with only one thought, repeating over and over: “Run.”
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  2. Audrey9100

    Audrey9100 Active Member

    May 28, 2012
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    Love it! Keep it coming, I'm so eager to hear the whole story lol
  3. xariaxx

    xariaxx Creative Staff
    Staff Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    sorry i haven't been on guys, i'm moving and the computer had to be setup... xP