The story of the diamond by rocman_111 Chapter I It was a dark, cold, night in Hoboc. The town merchant, Rocman, lay asleep in his bed. The only noise that stirred the town was coming from the house on Gnat Street. The young miner, Phwang, was trying to get to sleep. But it was hard after the horrid things he had seen on his last mining trip. He saw a vision, throught the eye of the enderman he just kilt, of a stronghold, with a young man in it, being blown up. A voice came into his mind, a metallic voice, like a knife being scraped on a sharpener. "You shall die, Phwang Dee, I can see it in your future!" The voice had said, "YOU WILL DIE IN FLAMES!!" Phwang didn't understand, "Of course I will," he said, "and then I'll just respawn, like all the other times I die in lava." "No," it answered, "you won't." Then all of the light in the cavern he was mining in went out. He had to light it all up with torches again. Now all his wood and coal were gone, so he decided to go home. He finally got to sleep at midnight. He got up in the morning and went to his chest to get some diamonds to trade. Then he went to the town store. "Hey, Roc," he said as he walked in, "How's the family?" "They are well." said Rocman, "What would you like today?" "I would like 1 iron pickaxe and 16 oak logs, please." Phwang said. Then a large boom shook the whole town, and a crack opened in the ground, and swallowed the whole city.
no no no lego...didnt mean to model this after you...i just enjoy writing stories, and the was a theme for stories