Wildstar (mmo)

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by eightnine, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. eightnine

    eightnine Active Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Hello, everyone! I wanted to talk to you a little bit about, a new MMO that has me thoroughly hooked! It's called Wildstar.

    "What is Wildstar, eightnine?" Well, it's an MMO (massively multiplayer online game) that takes place on a planet called Nexus. An ancient race called the Eldan have mysteriously disappeared from the planet and left behind all of their glorious technology and secrets to be uncovered by the player. There's two main factions: Dominion and Exile. There are several races and classes that you can play as. Here's a video!

    "What makes it neat to you, eightnine?" Listen, I've played WoW for a good while. I did the grinding for a good amount of time. I've also tried many of the MMO's that have come onto the scene since then and watched a lot of them fail. Many of them weren't even able to hold my attention. I was about ready to give up on MMO's, honestly. I mean, it all seemed like they were just trying to be like WoW without adding anything of their own into the mix or implementing some neat ideas that they may have had horribly.

    Wildstar is like World of Warcraft on crack. From what I understand, it was created by some of the ex-developers of WoW who decided to create their own game studio and make the MMO that they wanted to make but weren't allowed to previously. The result is an amazing game. There are a couple of things in particular that make this a winner to me:

    1, I don't feel the grind! I've been playing now for about a week of the 30 days that comes with the game purchase and I haven't felt a moment where I was like "Great. Kill more lions. Yaaay." If you know what I mean. I have been questing my butt off! The game does a good job of making the story feel important and pushing you forward. They've hit that perfect balance of difficulty and fun. I've been aching to continue onto the next quest to advance the storyline every day.

    1.5, Seriously, Raids. When you're fighting bosses, minibosses... and you win, you feel some deep satisfaction. Video? Yep.

    2, It's pretty! No, really. It is. It's more of a cartoony art style, but it's a style that looks amazing. The skill effects are really neat and the world is just unbelievable and detailed. It feels amazing.

    3, Customization is EVERYWHERE. I don't think that there's a single thing that I haven't been able to customize about my in game character. It's incredibly intuitive and versatile. Amazing!

    4, There's a class and job to fit every kind of player. Yes, every single one. Want to explore? Fine, be an explorer. That's a freakin' job. How neat is that? I'm currently playing as a warrior with a job as a soldier. I love it.

    Here's another video.

    Actually, I could probably go on for a while about all the things I like about the game. I'll stop, though. Anyway, how about some of you give it a try? Join me! Check out some more videos on the YouTube and see if you think it might be for you. I'm very much looking forward to the end game content. Not a fan of party systems? No problem! First MMO I've played that is solo friendly! Party up for big bosses, instances, raids, etc. and quest solo, if you wish.

    So yea, check it out some time.

    I'm on the Avatus(PvE) server on the Exile team. My name is Nook. I hope some of you will check it out and join up. It'd be amazing to have a Blackreavers guild. http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/

    (note: it is a monthly subscription)
  2. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    From the vids, it looks like TF2 + WoW + 10. I might check it out. Thanks for posting 89!
  3. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I've been keeping an eye on this game since it was announced, on the fence as to if I want to buy it and put down a monthly subscription yet as Im already doing a monthly sub for EvE online atm. Let me know what you still think about it after your 30 days are up, everything new always seems awesome ;)
  4. eightnine

    eightnine Active Member

    May 23, 2012
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    If you're interested in the game, I have a guest pass that I can give you that will let you try it out. Some restrictions apply: http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/news/guest-passes/
  5. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Looks like a fun game, I've seen a few youtubers play it but right now I'm not too sure if I should put my cash into it. Last time I was gonna put cash into a month sub game I got invite to an early beta and it wasn't to fun and I'm glad I didn't put any cash into because it didn't turn out how I wanted it too. This looks like a great game I'm just not sure if I should put my cash into atm.
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  6. eightnine

    eightnine Active Member

    May 23, 2012
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    "So, it's been a little while, Eightnine. Are you still playing Wildstar and enjoying the game?"


    Yes, folks. I am still playing Wildstar and enjoying the game! I am currently level 33 out of 50 and still very much enjoying the process of leveling up. I've recently started to expand on some of the other skills that the game gives me and found (at least cooking in particular) to be incredibly difficult and crazy robust, but satisfying. Seriously. It's insane. Hit the video link to see what I'm talking about.

    I've also started doing some things to improve my ability to fashion gear, too. So that's exciting. I haven't even made it to checking out PvP, raids, adventures, dungeons and all that goodness yet. There's just that much to do.

    "So, does it feel grindy yet?" No, not particularly. The main story quests don't really ever have you doing the same thing over and over again like killing one kind of monster 20 times or anything like that. They constantly mix it up with a bunch of different mission types to keep things pretty interesting. The way that they implemented some of the mission ideas (like the one where you're involved in chasing someone in a small space ship) was pretty clever and broke up the standard MMO feel really well. What I find neat about the quests is that they're designed so that they can be done several different ways and at least one of those ways is sure to be something that you'd enjoy. There was one particular one that involved a ton of platforming to get to a control panel and push a button. I was a terrible platformer and I wasn't really enjoying that quest. Did I have to keep doing the lame jumps until I finally got up there? Nope! There's a jet pack that you can use to blast yourself up there and hit that button. The game includes things called "challenges" in some of the quests that can optionally amp up their difficulty. Of course, finishing it the hard way would have rewarded me some awesome loot, but I'd have been pulling out my hair. You can check out the video below to see that quest, but it might be a spoiler for you if you wanted to play.

    Loot. Tons and tons of loot! Seriously, I don't even know. There's so much gear and numbers on gear that my head feels like it'll explode. Nexus must be a planet with a solid core of loot because it's endless. Don't like how the armor makes you look? Get a costume. You still get to wear armor, but you get to look cooler.

    So yea! I guess that's it for now. It's still neat. I still like it and I think it'll continue to entertain me for a long while yet. Still on the fence about it? Well, I'll report back in after some more time and let you know how the end game feels. Are you seriously considering dedicating the time and monthly funds to purchase this game? Let me know, I have a couple of trial keys still that I can give out. Note: They are not infinite keys. Seriously. I only have a couple.

    Oh! So that's another thing that they added recently that's pretty amazing. A credit system! Say you have lots of time to play the game, but not so much money to pay the monthly fee. You can actually buy GAME TIME with in game money! So, you kiddos that don't have jobs and love some MMO goodness, this might be for you. Now, for us with jobs, money and not so much time, we can actually buy game time and SELL it for in game money! So you want that new hoverboard really badly, but just don't have the time to get all that gold together? Buy a month and sell it in game. It's a pretty neat system, I thought.

    Anyway, that's all I have for now. Questions? Comments? Lemme hear them!
  7. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Glad to hear your still enjoying wildstar :)

    The credit system you mentioned they borrowed from EVE Online. They were the first to venture into that area with their PLEX system. I will probably give this game a shot sometime, maybe after they release a special edition version of it or something after the initial newness wave of people dwindles and they need to attract more players. For now I just don't see having the time, and with several new games coming up such as Shadow of Mordor, Witcher 3 and Dragon Age 3 idk...

    I have noticed a lot of their gameplay features they borrowed from other titles, not a bad thing. Smart to build on the shoulders of others who found success in an area.
    • Agree Agree x 1