The Legend Of The Ice Monster Preview

Discussion in 'Written' started by Pinecone, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    On the bottom of Mount Nuron, signs told me to beware of the ice monster. I didn't believe in any sort of creature. In fact, I had packed my best weapons and brought my best dogs, so I wouldn't need to beware. But I was wrong.

    I hiked up the trail. Surprisingly, it was basically a tall staircase. There were a few flat walkways, but it was pretty normal. As I near the top, something growled. I shrugged it off, thinking it was some grinding rocks. Then a black shadow whooshed through the top cavern. "Bats," I muttered to myself. But this wasn't a bat. As I neared the cavern, I saw the rocks were stained with blood and a few severed heads lay outside the cave.

    Immediately I knew I would not forget this adventure -- assuming that I get out of it alive!

    Roc was begging for this, so I have the preview out. The ending of this part of the story is in the next part, coming this weekend. Enjoy and thanks for reading.
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  2. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Sorry to rush you Ender, I just was so interested in your writing! Keep up the great work!
  3. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Eh, it's fine. I kinda wanted to write anyways ;)
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