Songs That Make You Feel... Things.

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by carson378, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    There are so many songs in the world, but very few anymore give that powerful essence that you feel. These songs make a different feeling each time, emptyness, wholeness, like you dont belong, like you do belong, etc. I want you to post the songs that make you feel something, tell us in the best way you can what it makes you feel, and if you want to, tell us why.
  2. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    This is a song by shinedown. It reminds me of my childhood that slowly fled away taking my friends, my being, and my life in its wake. It makes me feel empty, but whole at the same time if that makes sense to anybody.
  3. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    I'd rather avoid telling, and rather let you hear the music to why this music is my 'feelz'.

    Take guesses at them, and I'll tell you what you got right.

  4. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    So ya...take shots at it, I want to see if you can guess what I feel out of these songs.
  5. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Anything made by owl city makes me kinda light and happy,
    anything made by yankavonic makes me scared of some guy whos going to bite me because he hates sou-
    Sorry what? Oh...

    And songs that give a murky deep depressing alone twilight zone feeling... Like some cryoshell songs. I don't know why but I kinda hate and like that...
    I've been waiting for a post like this. Let me get some examples.
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  6. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Shadow, From song 1 it seems not being able to escape your past and what you've done or others have done to you.
    Song 2 I couldn't understand half of the lyrics.
    Song 3, Power metal makes everyone feel this weird feeling. Rhapsody of Fire, Dragonforce, bands like that just make you feel mystical and I don't know why.

    Song 4 seems like wanting someone to love that you can love, not that you feel you should love but don't, or someone that doesn't love you back.
    Song 5 becoming callused due to all the things in your past.
    Song 6 (My Absolute favorite song by metallica, love the choice here.) Much like the first reason, feeling like you can't escape your past and no one will let you live it down so you feel a lack of letting anyone else down, dubbing them unforgiven as the song says.
    Song 7 seems to be wanting to be left alone, no one to hurt and no one to hurt you.

    These are simply guesses so tell me if I'm right.
  7. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Ever wanted to feel like a damn knight riding a dragon fighting every evil entity and going on epic quests for eternity?
    That. This song and band all together make me feel that.
  8. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Well, here's my personal emotional thoughts on music

    I found this one in a sprint commercial, and everytime I hear it I just think of emptiness and darkness... murky depths of the ocean.

    Oh goodness, Owl City. Beautiful music <3 I get a light and fluffy kinda feeling from this

    This one. This one is a Christian song. And I love it. It makes me feel like humanity isn't dying. Long live us <3

    And heres an instrumental that I'm probably going to use in a video ;)

    yeah I edited this and took out that smurf movie song :<
  9. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    1. Yes, I feel broken about what I've done to people in my past, some of which who never deserved what I did.
    2. It's a song about falling in love, something that sparked in my head when me and my girlfriend got together.
    3. It's a way I see life as being lived. It's fast, and tends to be its own war in disguise, don't let it hold you down: "Fight for the time of your life, now it's time for you to be free."
    4. In a way, yes, I'm not going to say who, but I just want love and support from them, but they never give it to me.
    5. No, my mother wants to craft who I become, and it's something I don't want to be, something that SHE is. I cut off all ties with her after leaving home.
    6. Yep, I feel like I want to help everyone, but know I can't help even myself, so I'm stuck in a dark limbo waiting for someone to deem me 'forgiven'.
    7. Yes, but more specifically, it's an area of my mind, an area I don't want to ever use, I feel that if I was to go to this area, it'd be a place where I'd never come out of with my own sanity.
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  10. TribalGiant

    TribalGiant Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    My sort of feel good music whenever I'm feeling a bit down, or just want to feel awesome walking home from work lol. Used to inspire me a lot in terms of wanting to build on minecraft.

    This one always made me a bit sad in the early part of the song, but as it continues it's much more lifting like the others.

    Audiomachine is such lovely music.
    Bit of an odd one this last song, I listened to non-stop techno while enduring the mindless grind of leveling in a game I played several years ago, and this is the only song I could find a name for. For me it brings back a lot of good memories, knowing some wonderful people of whom the majority I never had contact with outside the game. Looking back, I feel playing it for so long made me lose my love for mmo's, but I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. Makes me extremely sad and happy at the same time.
  11. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Ookaaaay here's ma list
    Owl City (DANG U LEGO) (JK)

  12. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    and oh boy so many more Owl City songs (If you want more ask in msg for reccomendations)
    Then 30 Seconds To Mars

  13. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I also have an interest for rap.
    Here's a few favourites

    [At time of typing I think i'm going to be here till lunch]
    Some rogue favourites

    I have a list but "can't post more than 6 pieces of media"
  14. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I also have a slight addiction for dubstep..

  15. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Funny songs

    I have more but speak to me for more xD
  16. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    That's a lot of songs.
  17. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    IIMIWII Active Member

    Aug 17, 2012
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    Aw, but theres so many that i could think of, i love how music can act as an escape, describe exactly how i feel at times. My top five would be these. (In no particular order)

    1: Devils night by motionless in white.

    I get a lot of abuse, for stuff like the way i dress the music i like to listen to etc and this song kind of takes away my caring of it and makes me feel like i'm not alone, so when i walk past a load of guys throwing me the finger shouting abuse etc and i'm listening to this it kinda gives me the confidance to put my fingers back up at them and walk away easily, i dont know how, it just does.

    2: another one by motionless in white- immaculate misconseption

    This songs lyrical content means a lot to me, it says "Open your mind before your mouth." This means (to me) before you judge someone, and give them crap for it, think "What are they like as a person?" i say this to people who do open their mouths before their minds.

    3: In the end- Black veil brides.

    I usually walk along with my head down, not when i'm listening to this it makes me feel somewhat more confident, no idea why. I dont care why, its great that it does! it also makes me think about what i want to do with my life, and thats important too it makes me realise in the end i wanna be able to look back and say "it was worth it"

    4: shadowalker- follow my lead

    This song overall sounds great, but it helps to realise that even though things may be pretty bad at times, i cant let it take me. (As it says in the song)

    5: eyeless(cover, slipknot)-bring me the horizon

    It just makes me want to scream the whole song myself! it just sounds amazing. This was origionally performed by slipknot. But this is one of the best!

    thats about as open and honest as i can be, and have been in a while :p
  19. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Yeah yeah yeah, if this counts as thread revival or not, I need this to be here.
    I have searched around for this song for a while, and finally found it. And I love it.

    While I'm here, might as well bring along my other doctor who feels song
  20. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Tennant is such a great actor, everything he does gives you feels.