Creative Most Famous Server!!!

Discussion in 'Creative Server Suggestions' started by tdog040104, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. tdog040104

    tdog040104 New Member

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Now don't get mad but... I may be able to make this server the most famous server EVER!!!!!
    If an OS is reading this please have the Owner read this and decide because... as you know me and jdhdog have a YouTube channel and can work with reviews and giving the Ip to the server but if I could be an OS I can make all new mini-games without plugins I know a server that is the most
    Fame server in minecraft it's OmegaRealm the Owner has a YouTube channel and makes videos of his server and everybody plays it I can make Minecraft Server even more popular than OmegaRealm and I can make people pass the address on and on then you Natbyte would be on a lot due to people asking for him and you guys would love the server please agree because I'd hate to see OmegaRealm over run Minecraft Server and it would be a lonely place I'll give you a hint on one of my mini-games
    It's called "Run" it's epic! Plus you don't need any plugins! And it will have it's own ranks one is called Runner in Dark red so please agree and the basic rank in Run is called survivor the first 5 people to agree with me being an OS get the 2 rank in Run called Run-up in Orange :) PLEASE agree as I can make this server the best!! Other mini-games: The Herobrine OutLaw FrostBite SkyBlock (no plugins):rainbow: please agree
    • Disagree Disagree x 12
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  2. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I like the idea of a server youtube but are you really gonna upload all the time? It'll have to be more than just creative though. Also we have a skyblock server. Try /server skyblock.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. tdog040104

    tdog040104 New Member

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Oh and that's not all mini-games I have more planned so don't disagree just because you don't like the Mini-games
    • Disagree Disagree x 8
  4. DragonLS

    DragonLS Active Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    If you're going to badly react against one opinion, I'm not sure you'll be able to handle a youtube channel of our server very well... Some things to point out:

    1. It's only been an hour. Calm down.

    2. Handling a Youtube Channel can be a time consuming process at first hand. Not only that, but recording video, video editing, etc. takes a lot of time.

    3.You're not going to get instant fame with the snap of a fingers, you need to work hard at it. And as I've said, if you can't take a little bit of criticism and you react openly like this, people are going to think "Wow, this guy can't take one bit of advice, I'm out of here."

    My advice is, look long and hard at where your position is. If you think you can handle the responsibilities, then great. If not, I suggest cutting your losses and look for the next best thing.
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  5. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    1. Isn't jdhdog banned?
    2. "Everybody plays it"
    I've never ever even heard of it
    3. I highly doubt that this idea would actually work
    4. Minigames are for minigames servers. Do you see any minigames around here?
    5. If the server was "overrun" we couldn't get on it, and the staff would have a hell of a time managing the community
    6. Like John said, we have skyblock, and it's a plugin in itself.
    7. You planning to code that?
    8. The most popular server is considered to be Mineplex.
    9. Does this count as advertising? o.o
    10. I am highly offended by your grammar.
    10 1/2: You have to work for OS

    All kidding aside (And if that sounded harsh), I don't think it's going to work out.
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  6. chansuke

    chansuke Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    I just went to youtube right now and searched for minecraft. It told me there are a little over 83 million results. How exactly do you intend to stand out in such a crowd? Keep in mind thats a crowd full of people who understand how punctuation and paragraphs work, which I would say would put them a leg up on the advertising front.

    Furthermore, who is OmegaRealm and why do I want to play on his server? Actually, dont answer that, I dont care.
    And jdhdog IS banned, for being annoying. Somehow I think that could also be a hurdle to overcome on the path to becoming a media sensation. Another point on that: why do we want the server to become loaded up with people like him, which is the type of personality he is bound to attract.

    Its good to have ideas, but try and think of ways to apply them to the community...
  7. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Hmm...first of all...why would nat give OS to a non-staff, near perma-banned, immature person like you? And plus, the server has a great community, and if a lot of new peeps joined, think about how many more bans/mutes/jails that would be? Even if we hired even more staff, they would still have to devote 5-6 hours a day. Really, think things over before you say them.

    And how does this not count as advertising? And I've never even heard of OmegaCraft, so I don't know how famous that really is, but really, saying "Ooohhh go 2 omgacrft itz popular cuz itz got minigamez so go nw m8 nd ceck it out soz u can repli andz agreez cuz i want os" won't get you anywhere. And if you have made any progress towards becoming staff (which I haven't seen from you), you just erased about 2-3 weeks on your progress.

    So, In conclusion, don't make suggestions about for about 15 mini-games just because nat added paintball. I can almost promise that nat won't be adding any more mini-games. But I'm not an OS so I really don't know what's in development.
  8. imme

    imme Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    You aren't going to get OS just by asking and saying you have this "plan" thing or whatever...
  9. Aqua

    Aqua Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    How on earth would you even run a minigame without a plugin?
    Everybody would go nuts and ruin the entire game. Thats what plugins are for: To keep it structured.

    Other than that, you seem to instantly "own" the server when becomming instant-OS because you decide who gets what rank, and how it looks and works.
    I don't have any words...

    If you want stuff to happen, work for it. Posting suggestions is a perfect idea, but wanting OS for it, and to throw the server around to add tons of minigames who nobody players is not how it works.
    You start at the bottom like everybody, earn trust, get known, help people, reach staff and work your way further up (That's how I got here, plus I can code plugins, soo....).
    Anyway, just posting without any proper grammatical layout, almost demanding for OS and giving ideas which won't realy work on this server, is not gonna work.

    I'm gonna lock this to stop further flood of the thread.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I had a long day at work, came home and read this, it was hilarious, thank you
    • Like Like x 5
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
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