So this game just came out yesterday. I played the beta and it was a lot of fun. It's kinda like a futuristic spacey type game like Halo. The missions were really cool but the multiplayer deathmatches weren't that enjoyable honestly. Does anyone have this or plan on it?
I played the beta and it was really fun but unless someone in my family gets a PS4 I will just not get it or wait for a PC version.
I haven't bought it yet. Was going to get it for the 360, but pretty much anyone I play games with now are moving on to the newer consoles and although Destiny is fun by yourself, it's really a game you want to play with friends.
I would like to play it, and if it was on PC I would already have it. But its not, such a shame. Looking forward to Shadow of Mordor though
I am interested in this game because of Bungie. I would love to play it but I don't think I would buy it myself... But if I played it and had a blast I would. I don't think it would work on the 360 I have, but I would get it for my ps3. Too bad you didn't have one of them Ponm. JustSaiyan (open) JustSaiyan (close) Sorry couldn't resist. If I can get a hold of the game to play it I may get it though.
lol just saiyan.. nice one. Yeah that would have been cool. If I did end up buying it on 360, it comes with the xbox one version for free. Was probably just going to give that away at some point but.
It couldn't hurt to keep the code for XB1 in case you get yourself one. Do you know if XB1 and XB360 players can play together? I would assume not.. Most games are not programed for any cross console play.
welp you are forgetting how weak the PS3 is lol And I played the beta but the shadow were nothing like that xD How did it go so wrong
Yeah, it looks really interesting and I would love to follow the storyline on it. I've always like The Lord of the rings story. I won't be getting destiny on console, have not even turned my xbox on since I got my PC built haha.
Dude it's gonna be sick for sure. Glad you're getting it lol I don't blame you since you have a monster computer.
Anyone got it on ps4? I didn't play Halo at all, so I can't compare. But so far, I'm liking this game a lot! I hope the campaign is very long, because I didn't find multiplayer THAT interesting . (level 12 btw)