Ps4 Vs Xbox One

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Gamer, Apr 5, 2014.


Which one do you think is better?

Poll closed Nov 26, 2014.
  1. Ps4

  2. Xbox One

  1. Gamer

    Gamer Active Member

    Jul 21, 2013
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    I'm not going to tell them why unless they ask me why I disagree
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  2. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Here Russell I'll show you how it's done

    This is a topic about PS4 vs Xbox one, not about PCs. Also comparing PCs to consoles in the facet of coding is like comparing apples to oranges. Can you play co-op games on your couch with friends with a PC? Probably(actually probably not the co-op part, but you could on a couch) but it would be really annoying and inconvenient to set up. Computers obviously have more capabilities(hell, console games are developed on them) but each thing has it's pros and cons

    as for choosing the PS4 cause it's "Cheaper and doesn't spy on you" well first of all they are the same price(I know this was posted before the Xbox price drop but still) and the "spy on you" part is either just trolling or being ignorant
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  3. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Couch gaming on computers is fairly easy. The only downside to it is using a keyboard.Which btw can be swapped out for your favorite gaming controller.

    Since this debate is about PS4 vs. Xbox One I'll state my reasons as so.

    • When I posted that, Xbox One came with Kinect. I was told it was mandatory for it to work. Hence the spy on you part. Now they came out with a $400 model back in May without Kinect. That's a complete 180 from their previous stance.
    • Ps4 has better games. I am completely thinking about purchasing one in the future for No Man's Sky. This game beats anything Xbox One has hands down.
    • Controller feel.
    Xbox One has some better features in the party making department, something where Sony has always lacked at. Other then that, Xbox really can't hold a candle to PS4.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Point of the whole thread.
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  5. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Couch gaming on computers is easy...if you have it set up like that all the time, and as I said, local co-op(on one system) is almost out of the picture. Nobody is going to constantly move their tower from their desk to living room and hook it all up whenever they want to couch game. PCs are great for playing alone, consoles are great for playing with friends irl.

    As for your points on the consoles
    • Yeah I know that was from before the price drop, but still, the thought of it spying on you is ridiculous
    • Better games? That is 100% subjective. A better statement would be "I like the games for PS4 better"
    • I sort of agree with you here. The PS4 controller is WAY better than the PS3, and the Xbox One controller feels worse than the 360
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Here's the thing, that type of co-op is dying. More and more games that are coming out these days don't have the feature of Split-screen co-op. So unless you want to take your console and a screen our a friends house and do a lan co-op you can't. I was watching the yogscast live stream and they were playing Dead rising 3 and wanted to do split screen co-op... turns out that wasn't an option and you had to do it online.
  7. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Consoles like the Wii are primarily based around local co-op/multiplayer and there are still plenty of games coming out that support it(as well as a plethora of non-new games obviously). Sports games in particular are extremely popular on consoles for this reason alone.

    The biggest problem(and it is almost entirely from self-proclaimed "PC Gamers") is the thought that PC and console gaming preference is mutually exclusive when it absolutely isn't. Pretty much all of my friends who are "PC gamers" also have consoles. Both have pros and cons, both cater to specific needs.
  8. XiXGoldeyXiX

    XiXGoldeyXiX Active Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Okay, heres why I think the Xbox One is better.

    First of all, it's the kinect. I love how I can say "Xbox on" and it not only turns on my console, it turns on my projector, and my surround sound system. That alone is incredibly satisfying. I also love how you can easily use voice commands to navigate the console, and do everything from recording a game clip, to start a twitch broadcast, to go to your friendslist. I also have my system set up so that in controls my audio system. If I'm watching a show on netflix and my hands are occupied, while eating, for example, it's really great to be able to just say "Xbox pause" or "Xbox mute". There are a lot more cool voice features you can use that I won't talk about here, but I know that a Xbox One with kinect offers a lot better voice recognizion than the Ps4.

    Then theres gestures. I'm not going to say this is great, cause I'm lazy, and I don't use it much. I'd rather use my voice.

    I think the Xbox One controllers are great to hold. There are some edges on there that I don't like, and the triggers can get a bit noisy, but all in all, it's a great experience to have the feedback from the vibrating triggers, and the overall feel of the controller. I've not held a Ps4 controller, so I can't compare that.

    When it comes to the layout of the menus, I'm not sure what to think. It's great how you can customize it to how you like it, and that it feels warmer and more inviting than the PS4 menu, but it takes some getting used to, and there are some minor stuff I'd like to see, like "New demos" in the store.

    Snap. Love it. It's great how they show achievement progress right next to your game, and how you can have other apps right there.

    I can also see why Microsoft would have the Xbox One always come with kinect. The overall experience is a lot better with it. And sure, it might feel like it's violating your privacy, but it's not sending what it sees and hears.

    Overall, the Xbox One is the console for me. Obviousely you can tell me why the PS4 is better, but the point of this long post, is to tell you that ultimately, it's about what you choose. It's about what you need, and what's important to you. One isn't better than the other, because it's all about what you look for in a console. The Xbox One suits my needs. My lazy needs, which is why you can't tell me the PS4 is better.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. mythologyzeus

    mythologyzeus New Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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  10. Luciano

    Luciano Stars of the Forums

    Jun 12, 2012
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    To me both are good, just get the one you like the controller better. Might also factor in the platforms your friends are adopting; in my case good part of my friends were going for the ps4 - another reason for me to get it.
    I also have ps3/xbox360, and to be honest, I can't notice any difference besides the controller. I guess it should be about the same with the new consoles, except one has tv so you can watch tv on your tvo_O. It's what goldey said, get the one that fits you

    If anyones going to get a new console, check out bestbuy deals - with its magic I saved around 120 bucks by buying everything together (games, psn+, etc) :cool:
  11. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I knew a few hackers back in the day that could take control of people's Kinect.
    If it's hooked up to the internet, it's probably vulnerable.

    Not all XB1's come with Kinect now. They have a non-kinect version out now.
  12. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Yes the WiiU has tons of local co-op. Mario kart 8 was the last game I play with local co-op but this is PS4 vs Xbox one...
  13. xX_Ricio_Xx

    xX_Ricio_Xx Active Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I have to say Xbox One on this one.. When I got my Xbox One 3 months ago.. I was gonna get a PS4 but I like the exclusives on the Xbox One.. like Forza and some other things.. all in all they are both great consoles but I have to go with Xbox One
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  14. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    I don't see why nobody liked the Wii U x_x
    Mines actually been really useful.
  15. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Comparing a golden apple to rotten oranges.

    ill leave :l
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Because its lacks many things and one of those things is third party games.
  17. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Side note, Microsoft overpricing things I still haven't played Project Spark, and I still can't because both Windows 8 and Xbox One are so horridly overpriced.
    I'm not paying $100 for a point and click adventure game, and I'm not paying an extra $300 for a box that does the exact same thing as it did eight-nine short years ago.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. XiXGoldeyXiX

    XiXGoldeyXiX Active Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    You better not own any Apple products! Besides, I don't think it's overpriced. Sure, it'll get a price drop down the line, but still.

    What do you mean by this:

    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Also nextgen consoles cost more over here in the uk
    US price: both $399.99 at gamestop
    UK price PS4: £349.99 and Xbox one - £329.99
    Which in US price is
    PS4 = $569.78, Xbox one = $537.22
    Also this is console only versions
  20. xX_Ricio_Xx

    xX_Ricio_Xx Active Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Harry it is actually $500 for a XboxOne with Kinect and $400 for One with no Kinect.. also PS4's are only $400 here also.