Separate names with a comma.
lol you don't got to have skills to install mods :rolleyes: just use magic launcher or SK launcher. It will do it for you.
Never had a jaffa cake before, but you guys have convinced me to go get some :) if i can find any... never even seen those before.
:p I was just making a joke about how "great' our weather is lol. Didn't expect you to actually do it :oops:
or showcase our wonderful weather and have lighting striking all over it and catching everything on fire :D
Well its been a long time since i updated this page lol, updated it for you guys.
i like the cathedral, it looks very nice.
rofl, that is neat. I've never seen that before :) I wonder since mobs can now equip items if that guy just picked up a pumpkin and put it on...
Aww Gnawer... he was cool, good builder too.
Pretty impressive, sucky game combo but im sure they will all sell eventually at a profit especially with Christmas coming up soon. Personally I...
you have to spend the souls on the shouts you want. The souls are stored, go to your Character menu > select Magic > Select Shouts. On this screen...
haha... main storyline is usually last thing i get finished. Always get sidetracked and lost in the massive amount of other...
Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to those of you here in U.S.A :) Hope you are having great day with family and friends.
That moment when you're warm and comfortable under the covers... and then the phone rings.
Its the next Expansion. Like Dawnguard was.
Got skyrim? good. Dawnguard? Great! Hearthfire? me too! Guess what im also getting Dec. 4th? :D thats right... a new great expansion Elderscrolls...
haha. looks like a mummy. Could possibly be an infected villager. I use sphax and never seen that variation of a zombie.
Bet geek is glad he invested in diamond armor ^_^ looks like he had a long duel with a skeleton. Can't decide if the ones in his back are from him...
how can you tell? lol. All you see is half a nose, an eye socket (no really visible eye) and a small bit of hair. Rest is pitch black :P
Me as of today 7/7/2013 (also my birthday :D) [ATTACH]
I have a hard time really getting into and engaging in the story of Dishonored. I don't think its well written and the combat system is not really...