Separate names with a comma.
Well /KittyCannon would crach the game multiple times
Well most builders aren't very smart lol - sorry to say
Yay Stanky :D :cat:
I agree completely it would be nice to have a new rank and most players such as the designers are dedicated enough to get there own rank as my...
Thanks - I was going to add those blocks but i was too tired of building and i just wanted to submit it onto the fourms
Well i would like to see you try and build your idea and we can commpare to see. I personaly wouldn't think that would be very exciting just for...
I know that there not very flashy but im trying to keep the theam of when you spawn in a vanilla server your in a small little town with markets...
Sorry some pictures copied them selfs.
Honestly im just trying to help out the server by adding a new spawn in for the creative server so i can see one of my builds summited into this...
for real? have u even seen my plot 4? Just saying. But anyways i just want an OS to say Yes or No to this. :3
i agree with stanky
Good luck
Im not in Members but i have a plot whaaaaaa...? :crazyrabbit: :adore:
Ya i know i was stupid to not write it down so gona spell correct now, thanks.
Really? Beacuase i wrote them :D i deleted them but stanky nose i wrote them.
lol i wrote the signs didnt even see him :adore:
good luck hound
I have a few examples on my plot 4 if anyone would like to see them. :adore:
thank you stanky the lighting is tinted because of the build, its a ancient empire, i hope this can inspire others for there designer plots. :D