Separate names with a comma.
This story is about some people on the server, so I think it would be better if they left un named. I know who hes talking about. He just said boy...
I could create my character but it just said launching session and wouldnt stop saying that when i tried to do a race
I was in school on my phone just looking up stuff about it, Its downloading right now so i cant wait till its ready.
I couldn't think of a vegetable in time... that shows how healthy I am...
How about It requires 5 votes if the majority of those is yes than its accepted
Same but im not as far as you are yet. Lets just say i chose wrong in the end...
(9/13-14/2013)Day 1: Entering the Exile Hour: -4 The hype of exile got to me so I thought I would enter early, so I could be helping the...
Is there a specific build style you want to see so i can show you i'm good enough. I realize that picture might be confusing I was trying to make...
I just want to know so I don't end up forgetting chests because I have to put items in them.
If we are making our own map should we put items in hidden chests or just keep them empty
I noticed everything is ruins what about a heaven type build.[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Is the city flying or just really high up. I cant tell
Edit: his imgur works now, and it looks amazing.
I dont see a set way of apply so i'll just address everything you brought up. Are you a talented builder capable of working well this a team? Yes...
[ATTACH]Im a dieing breed.
Just an idea. If we have downloads of the old maps like br3, we could edit the spawns and create them into a hunger games map. Like on br4 we...
What size should the arenas be? Also can they be made on the creative server or would the plot be too small
Its better if you use the application format found HERE because it makes the job of the Overseers easy.
Killjoy recently came to my plot to build... this is how I know. [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
How can you upload photos like that but i can upload a simple picture of a tree...