Separate names with a comma.
I'm in middle of kitchen renovation and I used my balcony as fridge, but then it got cold and my milk froze.
Updated picture [IMG]
Found this game accidently when I was looking minecraft piston stuff in youtube. Quite fun. Here is my ship design on demo version. It made to...
I forgot to tell I voted for C++. Mainly because it was first programming language for me and I have done couple programming courses that used...
HTML is not programming language. That was a test, wasn't it? :)
First siege! The village has been peacefull place a long time so this was total suprice for me. Lost my light detector. [IMG] Second siege....
[IMG] I'm currently preparing myself mentally for relogging.
yea I'm using Faithful 32x currently. Could go back to 64x, since my fps dies anyway for chunk updates or something.
I like "faithfull" alot more.
phew. at least it will cool down for night.
[IMG] I'm guessing this has something to do with y-coord of blocks? My pixel art is in level 240 and backgound/field is close to sea level....
He knocked you out with his amazing anagram skills.
Update: Added Hotel/Guest house. Interior is unfinished and I might add third floor above axe picture and/or basement/mining shaft entry...
[IMG] Thats me 8 years ago. Damn "yellows" were always harassing us. That time with chemicals almost half the day.
I guess we all feel desperate sometimes :confused: