Separate names with a comma.
So after the 7 days everything is gone? just asking so i make sure i understand this post
This is one of the first applications i actually thought was worth it! Good job! I recommend removing the chests though
So its your architect application that only passed after about 3 attempts but smaller?
Overseers natbyte - 8 BSPiotr - 13 Dzyriq - 9 Thr0ttie - 12 Admins Serite - 15 Thatguy5600 - 10 Moderators PONM - 11 LunaZen - 8 Cepheid99 - 9...
Overseers natbyte - 9 BSPiotr - 13 Dzyriq - 9 Thr0ttie - 13 Admins Serite - 15 FillWerrel - 8 Thatguy5600 - 9 Moderators PONM - 10 LunaZen - 8...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] I honestly love all of Jon Bellion's songs as no matter how i am feeling I can connect with one song or...
Rules must be set up before we can get the portal?
Overseers natbyte - 8 BSPiotr - 13 Dzyriq - 9 Thr0ttie - 13 Admins Serite - 15 DragonLS - 6 FillWerrel - 10 Thatguy5600 - 8 Moderators PONM - 10...
All from fills event
[ATTACH] Build in progress, More pictures to come
Coolskimmpy- Bronze III- started from the bottom now i'm here (was bronze 5 then got to bronze 2 because i went mlg and now i'm average again)
This game seems like it is turning into a classic like Tetris, but would you pay 2Billion dollars for the rights to Tetris.
That part hit home with me. I met this girl in kindergarten and we become friends, we were inseparable. In 8th grade we even dated for 2 two most...
[ATTACH]My german class is strange. They forced me to dress up as a leprechaun, and made a pot of gold to make it happen.
I respectfully disagree as it gives a chance for the members to show what is wrong with the server in their eyes and also it shows the Overseers...
Just watched that with my brother last night... Got to admit it wasn't the manliest thing I've ever done.
You have a horde hat on and a doctor who shirt on... Still not sure which I like more.
Wii U? but seriously I didn't get either yet, i'll get them when they are cheeper.
Win what, a fight or a building competition. Either way Designers/OS's would win #/ban