Separate names with a comma.
;). No C4d but yea lol.
Feel free to inbox me if you want something.
Photoshop you must buy (upwards of500$usd) unless you can Creatively acquire it ;). Its one of the programs professionals use. Edit: but for...
In my shop :). haha jk i used photoshop.
Is this good? Feel free to use it and pay srehder da money. [ATTACH]
I made this real quick but thought I would share. [ATTACH]
Once I become active again on the server in the next few weeks, Ill post! (Hopefully).
As you may know, a lot was released on both the Xboxone and the Playstation 4 today at E3. For those who care, please post here. Please no harmful...
Vote MNPro for pres!
hmm, in due time. Once i find one that wont blind you all by my beauty.
Should i be scared?
Lol, paintball? That's the best you can do? Jk it's fine
I know, my name sucks and isn't relatable to anything.....make one for me? ;)
I hope this counts as a sketch. I sketched this real quick for you guys. Enjoy! [ATTACH] I did not draw this <<<<<<< Please Read this
Great idea! I'm assuming you mean the U.S in the 30's.
The meaning to everything is 42.
I also heard that there may be a new feature so u can't use the same game on diffrent consoles. Aka once u buy and play the game only your console...
The thing is that 90% of Xbox users have Xbox live which requires Internet.
I think he means he has found that Maney potential reaves.