Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for this addition! This is awesome.
I am happy the server is back online. Thank you Natbyte!
I also posted this in discord but I am not sure whom may not be in the discord channel. But here goes. It does sadden me to know that MCS is...
That place looks amazing. Great find!
Dual Screen! I someday need to post an update to my 'Battlestation' My roomie is jealous of it and its setup. Its similar to my previous but with...
Well hell. We will see how it lives up. I personally like how it had originally ended. But this does have potential.
If this is where I am thinking it is at the Oregon Coast I have been to that Light House. I used to live in Oregon. I have family up there lol....
That is badass. I was debating on redoing my original DS cause the color is all faded. If I do I will post pictures here. I also like how you...
Just as an FYI, this is back up. I randomly clicked the bookmark I had setup. And it connected. Even still had my playlist and things. YAY MUSIC...
What you runnin?
Exactly this then you should be golden.
Also APU [IMG]
If it is a laptop you are screwed as probably not up-gradable GPU. But if its Desktop just grab a lil more ram, maybe, and a newer GPU and you are...
What you runnin now? Could any be used with the new pc? GPU, PSU, case? Anything like that? Depends on the board your runnin now I suppose....
Even if it is nearly impossible, from the things I have read, I will still be glad to play this game and try to see my friends in it. From what I...
So I found something fun with my Shaders when I was playing with them. Don't mind the odd glow. I was messing with it a little.
Banned 4 I like Turtles.
I actually went and checked this place out. I enjoyed what I saw and honestly think you should try and get a portal out there for others to...
This is really cool! Most of my hobbies involve a computer screen lol. I don't have may pictures of my other hobbies such as things I do with...