Separate names with a comma.
Omega Ruby, b/c i got Ruby in Gen III :3
League of Legends? What a casual game. Real hardcore gamers play Dota 2. PickachuKrew - Bronze III - I'm like Doublelift, i'm trash.
I feel like Minecraft has a lot of room for growth, and if Microsoft buys Mojang it'll stunt a lot of growth. Minecraft is already on Xbox 360 so...
I won't hit you, but I will play it. I assume it's PC.
i rate 8/8 m8 not even a b8 and it aint 2 l8 to buy this game just call 888-8888
I wouldn't see a problem with it since there is the //undo button and only a select few have architect.
Boat: #selfie #allnatural #nomods
If the creation was not made by you, and only you, it is invalid for Designer. Try to use this format too: To try to become a designer is...
well shit.
Maybe because constructor requires no building skill or anything, but rather a keyboard and ability to type your name in a forum thread.
this hurts my brain.
tbh selling the seeds is a bad idea. I found when making my personal farms that if you really want to roll in the dough, you should stockpile...
It's nice to hear from you Buffalo, although you're not missing much on the servers. It's kind of a dead server compared to the booming community...
Nice.... Carlos.
I like it, but I think the texture pack enhances it too much. I saw it in person, no texture pack, looks nice but there's honestly not enough for...
<3 Same name in League as on Forums. inb4 Dota is better
I've gotta super train my pokemon and do all dat base stat stuff first before I go competitive :3
DickachuKrew wait that's not right..... Pickachukrew ... better
we disagreed with PoNM's statement beclaws we is bad at the grammer.