Separate names with a comma.
I see the spawn is better than the survival one
Once again the hype train hit it hard. We knew little to nothing about it and people made it out to be the best game ever made [MEDIA]
I saw everyone around me suddenly get hype for it while I sat here wondering where this hype came from. I'm still confused where the hype came...
You should of put a space between : and D as it creates a smiley face if you don't
wait this program isn't about make sand witches? Kappa
bye bye son
I thought this was every mcs player [spoiler]
TEAM VALOR 4 LYFE level 16 My city centre has a good amount of poke-stops and I have a good amount of gyms around here. 1 is a road down from...
I only have CSGO ones (looks better with global twitch emotes) 4Head MY BELLY IS LARGE 4Head MY BRAIN HAS DELAY 4Head YOU GUESS IT RIGHT 4Head...
I would think he has it at least either on his main or dual booted
Only linux supported? Nice you made something that only kenny (and maybe aqua) will even open
lmao calm the fuck down and stop being so dam edgy
You do know this was over a year ago right?
Looks like fun. Maybe when it comes out and its good it will be the third fps I'll play this year. First two being CS:GO & Overwatch
it's a bug that pretty much happens to every mayor. It happened it me pretty much right when I got the rank
safe until your chunks corrupt 4Head
well this was random [IMG]
I really enjoy the game from my 25 hours of playing it, I started playing around 11-12pm GMT 7th of march and I'm level 29, haven't gone in the...