Separate names with a comma.
Thanks for sharing! Here is a song to get in the mood to go deep-sea mining :) Yellow submarine - The Beatles [MEDIA]
Somehow they made it work across the whole map Fred
I really like those trees. There are a lot of small structures around with a lot of skeleton heads. [ATTACH] This is some sort of funny mistake...
Short description of the building: My shop Location of corner 1: -838, 2582 Location of corner 2: -929, 2642 Big thank you to you Aqua for...
I've been busy the last month going to asylums to adopt a dog. I finally found a young one. (we didn't want to take a puppy because my mother is...
Video and map looks good :) Ever thought about doing a minecraft series on youtube Baer? I think you've got a good voice for it
I'm very curious how the map will look and how it is set together. I'm looking forward to it!
3 years ago, I went walking with my grandma and I changed her shoes and she didn't notice because she was in a hurry. So we walked to the mall and...
You have 2 different socks :p
Thank you :)
Hello, I would like to apply for constructor. Thank you :) ToastedCoconut
My ego is pretty tall
I did not expect that I would be a movie star someday!
Meanwhile, in the land of creation... More information coming next week, stay tuned![ATTACH]
Good luck with completing your build! I can see something very eye pleasing out of it :)
I'm really looking forward to those shulker boxes
I really like that
Embrosa do you use a texture pack for the leaves?
Embrosa also, haste II potions are amazing for clearing jobs. That's the item I love the most in minecraft :p