A Guide to Spawn

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by Thr0ttie, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Throughout my time on the server, a majority of the questions asked by builders, is where buildings at spawn actually are. I have put together a simple guide with pictures so our users can better understand the whereabouts of the different services our spawn has to offer. I am going to start with an overview of the area, marking all the points. I have described in greater detail the individual aspects of spawn below, but if you just want a quick glance at the map I am putting it at the top.(This photo is taken from the top of the museum)


    When you type in /spawn your view will look like this

    If you were to continue to walk straight(out of the initial trees and leaves area) you will comes across the Blackreaver Express on the left, which is our main rail station.

    At the rail station you can receive a minecart by pressing the button(please do not spam them) and then placing it on one of four tracks, with each one either going north, south, east, or west. This is a quick and easy way to get started in a direction of your choice after joining the server.

    If you look to your right you will see Town Hall and beneath Town Hall is the Cryinia Jail. This is a place you will want to avoid being put in, but visitor's are welcome to visit the inmates

    If you continue straight along the path, past the rail station and jail, you will then reach the edge of that side of spawn, where you can see the shield of Cryinia, a giant Bear, and an airship, all built by members of our community just like you.

    Now, let's say instead of going straight after you type /spawn, you decide to go right. The view to the right will look like this

    After walking out of the initial area, to the left you will see a large man made tree which houses Garden Serenity(a peaceful garden area) at it's top. At the base of the tree you will see the Town Rules Shack which hosts all the guidelines and prices for the various plots we offer to builders.

    On the other side of the path is our library which has many helpful tips to members of the server.

    Above the library is the rules maze which all outsiders must go through and read before they obtain building rights.

    If you were to continue down past the tree and the library, you would walk straight into Lucky 7's Casino. Here you can test your luck on one of five slot machines. Costs one gold per spin.
    (continued in next post)
  2. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Let's say you turn right after you /spawn but instead of walking straight you take a right directly out of the initial area. If you were to do this you would come across Mgn's Heart. MgnfcntBstrd is a retired former admin of the server. Past the giant black heart is the entrance to our market area. The building is easily distinguishable by the giant flaming "M" above it.(I will show an alternate way to get to market later)

    If you were to turn completely around after you /spawn, this is what you will see.

    The building you see there is our bank. The currency on our server is gold ingots. To be able to use your gold ingots to do things such as buy items from shops, gamble at the casino or in the lottery, and play in our Mob Arena, you must go to the bank to deposit your gold. It is very simple, all you need to do is go up to one of the signs with the gold in your hand, left click the sign until it is on deposit, then right click and the gold will be credited to your account. You are also able to withdraw gold and check your balance with the same sign. Another thing you can do at the bank is buy chest shop rights for 128 gold. This allows you to build a shop for others to buy your goods.

    Directly behind the bank you will find our Stargate Hub. This large structure holds stargates that will take you all over the land of Cryinia. A gate to almost anywhere in inside so this is a good way to get around and explore what the server has to offer.

    Lastly, if you turn left after you /spawn, this is what you will see.

    Once you get out of the initial area, you will see many small buildings. These buildings take you to various locations such as the town hub, event hub, and market hub. The giant building with all the glass is the Cryinia Museum. Current exhibit: Tyrannosaurus Rex.

    So there you have it. An easy to follow guide to all the wonders of our great spawn point. I hope this helps people out with understanding where things are exactly. If you have any questions or comments feel free to add them.
  3. razer01

    razer01 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    nice guide
  4. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Might want to add that other way to the market like you said you would :) otherwise really good guide!
  5. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    yeah it's the gate to market hub next to the towns and events shacks, its also on the overview map