A Guide to the Server

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by Villa7, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Villa7

    Villa7 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Hello there! You have decided to join (or at least think of joining) minecraftserver.com. You wont regret it.
    This entire thing was written by kluge5
    The Beginning

    You will first log on as an Outsider.
    You currently have no priveleges or commands other than /spawn. You will also be invincible to natural damage.
    To become a Settler, first go to www.minecraftserver.com. Then click on the link in the middle of the page. This will take you to the minecraft forums. Ir you do not already have one, make a Curse account. Then leave a post on the server's thread on the forums.
    Or, just read the signs at spawn.
    Next, log onto the server. Politely ask for someone to let you have building rights. They will tell you, 'Promoted!' and you will become a settler.

    As an Outsider, don't mess up. You will be permabanned, with no chance of an unban.

    As a settler, you can build, break blocks, craft, and basically play Minecraft.

    That Part After the Beginning

    Congradulations, you are now a Settler. You have travelled 500 blocks out from spawn. You have a house, hopefully. But, people can still grief your house. To prevent this, first, private all of your chests / furnaces / doors. Put a sign on the ground in front of the chest, then, type [Private] on the first line. If you have friends, type [Private], skip a line, then put your friends names. If you run out of space, put another sign.

    Your chests are now protected, but your land isn't. To region your land, first build a 75x75 SQUARE around your land, like a fence. then, kindly ask a mod to region it for you. For your friends, type the command /region addmember <regionname> <playername>.

    You also have 2 homes. Set these with /sethome <homename>
    (Its really 3 homes, if you count the /home bed command.

    Basic Rules

    Don't spam. This is spam. eghpifesmhaCHNNALPmcmp
    you'll be muted/banned/jailed
    Don't talk in all caps,
    and dont spam in caps.
    Don't pvp - you'll be jailed.
    Don't grief - like any server, insta-ban. Insta -jail. The mods aren't evil ;)
    Being annoying is also bad, offensive buildings, chat, and signs are not good either.

    Supporting the Server

    Donating is simple and easy. If you donate, your name will be changed to gold. You will then be a Donator . Donators have a few perks, such as /mc - you will have a magic carpet of glass, so you can fly.

    Stargates and Teleports

    Teleporting is forbidden. This is a survival server. Don't ask for teleports, you won't get them.
    Stargates are Nether portal frames with a sign and a button on them. Click the sign, press the button. Step in, and you're teleported to another stargate.
    The players who make the gates are Travellers . They are the ones who have successfully found and completed a Catacomb. Stargates cost 15 gold to make, you provide the obsidian and the sign.
    Travellers also have perks - they get traveller compasses, the object of dreams - they simply click with a compass to teleport to whatever block they clicked.


    Catacombs are massive dungeons scattered ramdomly around the map. Finding one requires lots or aimless wandering. After you defeat one, and bring the golden apple within to an admin, you will become a traveller.
    Don't ask questions about these, they will not be answered.


    Outsider - No rights or priveleges.
    Settler - Basic minecraft gameplay allowed.
    VeteranSettler - small perks - color signs, /me. Promoted after 3 months of settler.
    Donator - bigger perks - /mc, promoted after donating. SuperDonator - escapen the auto 20 min afk-kick.

    Traveller - Ability to build stargates, promoted after finding a Catacomb.
    *Moderator - commands that are not to be spoken of /mute,/jail, /tpa).
    **Lead-Mod - more commands that are not to be spoken of (/mute, /jail, /tpo, + extra laziness).
    *Admin - Admin powers, mod powers, WorldEdit
    **Lead-Admin - The gods of the server - they have creative. And bedrock. Don't make them mad!

    Don't ask to become a mod or an admin. the mods and admins will decide if they want you.
    ***Note: Veteran is now called Elder, without the nice ^.

    There's really no point in griefing, seeing as how it'll be rolled back, and you'll be jailed. So don't grief, and everyone's happy.

    Money, Banking, and Trading

    The currency on the server is gold ingots, which you can get from mining gold underground.
    The value of 1 gold is about 1/2 - 1/3 diamond.
    When you find/earn/trade gold, you can deposit it in the bank at spawn. Look for a large building with pillars and a diamond cluster hanging from the ceiling. Go inside, and there are 3 signs. Two of them say ATM, one says buy Shop Rights. Go to the ATM ones. Left click the sign to change them so that the green marker changes to "Deposit." Right click with gold in hands to deposit them. Withdrawl is the same, except with the green ">" in front of "withdraw" and right click the sign. You will withdraw one ingot at a time. Right click with the sign set to "Balance" to see how much money is in your account.


    The lottery plugin lets you make more from your money. To enter the lottery, hold your gold in your hand, and type /lottery buy <# of tickets> (max. 16 tickets, 1 ticket per gold)
    If you want to check the lottery, type /lottery. You will see the amount of money in the pot, the time remaining to the draw, and how many tickets you have purchased.
    If you are lucky, you will win.
    Congratulations to kluge5 for winning 637 Gold Ingots in the lottery! Type /lottery claim to collect your rewards.
    To claim your winnings, type /lottery claim.

    To Be Continued...
  2. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Liking the post ;) i think its first place material
  3. Villa7

    Villa7 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    The many plugins on the server add many commands, many of which are only for admins and mods.

    /spawn - takes you to the center of spawn, or, if you're an outsider, teleports you to the start of the rules maze.
    /sethome <homename> - stand somewhere safe, and use this command to set a virtual bed, where you will always spawn if you die.
    /home <homename> - use this to teleport to your sethome.
    /delhome <homename> - removes specified sethome, so you don't spawn there anymore.
    /back - teleports you back to where you died, or back to your last position before a teleport.
    /afk - marks you as away from keyboard. staying afk for too long results in you getting kicked.
    /list - lists all online players, and is the same as pressing the default TAB key.
    /msg <playername> <message> - sends specified player a private message. /r - responds to the last message you recieved.

    /rules - displays the rules of the server.
    /tpaccept - accepts a teleport request from a mod
    /suicide - you can guess this one.
    *Note: all teleports require you to stand still for 4 seconds before commencing. If you move, the teleport request will be cancelled.

    **Note: The server says that you get 2 homes. There are actually 3. Sleep in a bed to be able to use the "/home bed" command!

    --Other Plugins--
    There are way too many commands to list here, the only way to really learn these is just to try them.
    BTW, too many commands = over 500 - under 101.

    The Marketplace

    The market place is found at spawn. Look for a low sandstone building, and go through it. Or, look for a large tower with picture of potions and stuff on it. That is the market.
    To be able to build a shop, you must first buy rights for 2 stacks of gold. Deposit them in the "Buy ChestShop Rights" sign in the bank. Then, ask a lead mod + to give you a plot in the market. Have fun building your shop, and check out Natbyte's tutorial on how to make the signs.
    Make sure you keep your chests stocked!
    To buy, simply right click the sign with gold in your account.
    To sell, left click the sign.
    *Note: you can only sell to a chestshop if the sign has a "S" followed by a number.

    Remember, a visually appealing shop (usually) gets more customers. Keeping things in stock helps, too.

    You can now advertise your shop in the center of the market! Write a book and ask a mod to place it for you.


    Helping people is another way to get easy gold. Simply wait for someone to ask for help.

    Miscellaneous Extra Stuff
    • There is no longer any veteran rank except for VetSettler, now anything except settler has vet rights.
    • Stanky = Good
    • Server = Good
    • X-ray = Bad
    • Lead Mods (LMs) can ban you
    • If you do something stupid, it was most likely your fault
    • etc...
    Life on the Server

    Collect money, gold, sell stuff, buy stuff, open a shop, make friends, build a castle, build a fort, build a nature conservatory! Build, buy, sell, and do whatever you want. It's all thanks to NatByte - remember that, and have fun.

    I'll see you there!
  4. Villa7

    Villa7 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    The less Happy part of my Tutorial

    The dreaded word.

    It's actually not that bad.
    Simply wait it out. Don't complain. Don't hate. If someone else somehow is jailed in the same cell as you, certainly don't pvp them.
    Visit this forum's Jail thread, look for your name, and post an explanation.
    Even more dreaded than Jail is this:

    A ban isn't however, a permaban. However much the mods and admins like the Banhammer, you still have a chance. Visit this forum's Bans/Appeals thread, find your name, and post an explanation and an apology.

    *Note: even a permaban isn't a permaban. You can still go to the bans thread and post an appeal. However, you will be on probation once you get back on the server, so don't mess up.

    Tips for no ban/jail:
    follow the rules,
    be polite,
    and be good.
    Remember: It's always good to get on Stanky2's good side. Be honest, or be... uhhh... "Stanky'd"
    *Note: Don't argue with him, he's smarter than you. You will always lose. And he knows science! :)
    **Note: Stanky isn't the only admin.
    ***Note: Listen to all of the admins and mods. They know best, no questions asked.
  5. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    And Quantum physics!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Neddzy

    Neddzy Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Under **Admin We dont have flying. (That would be good) If they are, Its from creative. And only LA's have Creative Control
    (Ill delete this shortly to keep this guide clear xD)

    Is Incorrect ;3 They have the "Traveller Compass" Which has /jumpto binded to left click.
    It pops you on the top block of where you are pointing ;D
    Bajj said: Also they can make stargates, where as any other player beside LA and Admin, cant.
  7. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    mods dont have kick or ban, but they have mute and jail just like everyone else, LMs have all that mods have plus tpo, ban, kick, and some extra laziness, admins have all that LM's have, they also get some other commands like WE powers and what not. LAs get everything pretty much, they still have to follow rules though :) All staff ranks have what the rank below them had plus more.