Survival A hitchhikers guide to

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by jokerr77, Jan 19, 2012.

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  1. jokerr77

    jokerr77 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Link to this thread for the new players/builders​
    Does this apply to you? Nod if it does.
    -Spent hours looking on server forums to find that diamond-perfect server?
    -Finally found this one, but log in and are confused to what you need to do?
    -Crying about how you want building rights but don't know how to get them?
    You can stop nodding and crying now because you came to the right place for all your needs!

    -----------------------------------------------INTRODUCTION---------------------------------------------- is a fast, growing community of friendly builders who love casual building, survival and others.​
    (And the occasional creeper)​
    ----------------------------------------------GETTING STARTED--------------------------------------------​
    You need to apply for building rights before you can start your amazing journey throughout the server. Read the rules BEFORE applying. Follow the link to the Minecraft Forums to apply.(You require a Minecraft Forums account)​
    Just scroll down the page until you see "Fast Reply" then type something like this:​
    "My in-game name (ign) is [Insert Minecraft name] IMPORTANT: Make sure it is your IN GAME name, not your forum name.
    Make sure you also get the page number of the post. Page numbers are located above the "Fast Reply" and above the name of the topic at the top of the page.
    After you apply, log into the server and ask a moderator or admin, which can be identified by their respective colours. Make sure to tell them the page number so you can get building rights faster.
    -----------------------------------AFTER GETTING BUILDING RIGHTS---------------------------------
    You may notice that you can't build yet. You need to get away from spawn. You have a few choices.
    1. You can walk out of spawn, and find plots in hoboc/gtown .
    2. walk further and find more bigger, open land.
    3. Take the central stargate and walk from there.
    4. Join a town.
    Walking out of spawn, you
    ------------------------------------------REGIONING THE LAND-------------------------------------------​
    Once you found some land, you can start building! Make sure it is at least 10 blocks away from nearby regions, but the more space, the better.​
    To start regioning, you'll need a stick. Hold the stick, and select two opposite corners of the the region you want to protect. It can look something like this:​
    You can use points 1 and 2 or 3 and 2, but you CANNOT region with points 1 and 3 for a building. You must use point 2, then you can choose either 1 or 3 to use after. The select the two points, get your stick, and punch a point. After you've got the message that you've got selected the first point, go to the other point and select it by right-clicking the point. You should get a message saying that you've selected the second position. You are done selecting the width, now it's onto the height.​
    ------------------------------------PROTECTING YOUR BELONGINGS-----------------------------------To protect your chests/doors/furnaces/etc. follow these easy steps. First get a sign and place it in front of the chest. Then type [Private]. It should look like this 2012-01-20_21.07.37.png
    The there are two ways to finish this. You can either press Done or type your name under the [Private]. The first is easier if you have a big name or randomized capitals letters in it. After, press done.It should stick itself to the chest/furnace/etc. 2012-01-20_21.55.39.png The easiest way to just put your name on the chest is to right click the front of the chest while holding a sign in your hand. To add other people like your friends to them just type:​
    [Blank/Your name]​
    [Friend Name]​
    Like This​
    Then click Done. If one sign isn't big enough because you need to add more players to it, then place another sign but replace [Private] with [More Users] You don't need to place your name or leave the line under [More Users] blank like the first one so it would look like this​
    Now press Done to finish, it should stick itself to the chest. If you made a mistake, the right click the sign and follow the on-screen directions.​
    Now you are set to build to your hearts content! Build amazing structures like this​
    Or my favourite building
    -----------------------------------------------SERVER RANKS------------------------------------------------​
    Ranks, doesn't every great server need them?​
    (In order from lowest to highest)​
    Outsider-Identified by the grey name Steve-Rank of all new players on the server
    Settler-Identified by the dark green name Steve-Rank of all players that have building rights
    Elders-Identified by the light green name Steve-Rank of all players that have been a settler for at least 3 months. Access to coloured signs, breathing underwater with gold helmet, and /me command.​
    Travelers- Identified by the purple name Steve-Rank of all players who have found a catacomb, beat it and got the golden apple. Access to stargate creation, breathing underwater (see Elder) and compass teleportation.​
    Donator-Identified by the orange name and the + prefix +Steve-Rank of all players who have donated £5 to the server. Access to all Elder perks and 4 homes, and magic carpet.​
    Super Donator-Identified by the orange name and ++ prefix ++Steve-Rank of all players who have donated at least £32 to the server. Access to all Donator perks, plus super pickaxe and the magic light version of magic carpet.​
    Veteran Super Donator-Identified by the orange name and ^++ prefix ^++Steve-Same as Super Donator
    (Asking to be one is a bad idea, they will know who they want as a staff member)
    Moderator-Identified by the light blue name and * prefix *Steve-Chosen by Lead Admins. Assists Lead Moderators and help with Griefing problems. Can create regions.
    Lead Moderator-Identified by the dark blue name *Steve- Assists admins. Can and will ban players breaking server rules. Could also be called Admins in training.
    Admin-Identified by the light red name and ** prefix **Steve-Have most commands, can ban and help with player incidents. Can promote players to Mod or outcasts to builders.​
    Lead Admin-Identified by the dark red name and the ** prefix **Steve-Have all server commands can do just about anything. They can unban banned players from the server. They are really busy planning server events and other things so it would be preferred if you ask a other staff ranks if they are available. Can demote players.​
  2. jokerr77

    jokerr77 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Like any other great server, we have RULES.​
    1. No Caps LIKE THIS​
    2. No Spamming​
    3. No Stealing, Even From Unlocked Chests​
    4. No Griefing Ex. Destroying others buildings​
    5. Don't be mean, so no mom/dad jokes, or racial/degratory statements. The occasional swear word is fine, as long as you don't overuse or spam it.​
    6. No PvP (Player versus Player) Unless at the PVP Dojo or in an event (Eg, Modhunt)​
    7. No Cheating/hacking. This includes but is not limited to x-ray, Nodus, or other cheats or hack clients.​
    Failure in complying with the rules will result in​
    Muting, Jailing, or Banning​
    -----------------------------------------------------Economy-------------------------------------------------------------- has a currency system. We use Emerdollars (ED). Starting out, you'll only have 50 ED, which can only buy you a few items at Da kings supply shop. Da kings supply shop is located directly opposite the path that leads to the jails. You can check your money by type /money.​
    ---------------------------------------------------Chest Shops------------------------------------------------------------
    Purchasing Chest Shop Rights
    To purchase Chest Shop rights, you need 6000 ED.
    After having 6000 ED, there is a sign at the royal study, which you can access by typing /warp royalstudy.
    Right click the sign and it should ask you to type /svs yes or right-click again to confirm the purchase. After, it should say something like this if you accept​
    2012-01-27_16.57.38.png You will then be able to create chest shop signs (Read below for more info on how to set those up.​
    Creating Chest Shops
    To create a chest shop, you need will need
    One Chest​
    One Sign​
    The Item You Want To Sell​
    To create a shop, place a chest and a sign above and behind the chest like so​
    The sign does not need to be on a fence, it can be on any block but it must be in that position. The format to make it is like this​
    Line 1: [Blank]​
    Line 2: [Amount Buying/Selling]​
    Line 3: [Buy Sell/ Price]​
    Line 4: [Item Id]​
    Explanation Of Sign Lines
    Line 1: Leave it blank​
    Line 2: How many of an item you want to buy/sell typing 64 means a stack/64 of the item.
    Line 3: Type Buy or B (for short) then a number. This is how much you are selling the item for. Typing Sell or S then a number is how much you are buying from the customer. [See Picture Below]
    Line 4: The id of the item. Id's are usually the name unless its two words. You can then look here : or look up on the minecraft wiki. Search for the item on the wiki and under the picture (usually on the right) it should say Data Value: Then Dec # Hex# you only need the Dec #. On the 4 line of the sign just type the Dec number only! If you have Too Many Items installed just open it up, and find the item you are looking for, there should be a number next to it, just type the number in instead.
    Here is an example
    This shop is selling 64 [Line 2] of the item, for 1 gold. You can sell it to the store for Free [Line 3]. The item is Melon[Line 4]​
    So to recap, you can buy 64 melon for 1 gold, or sell it for free. Free works on both Buy and Sell. The last line is the number id so 360 is Melon. You could also put 360 which is the id number. After, it will look like this and have a line confirmation.​
    Note that the 360 will be replaced by Melon as 260 is Melon so people don't get confused. Line 1 is blank because your name will be added automatically. Now, just stock the chest with the item you are selling and wait. Watch the money flow in.​
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  3. jokerr77

    jokerr77 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Place holder. In the mean time, for all you BR4 members, enjoy the nostalgic screenshots! (You can download them if you want, lol)
    Please note that all comments may be removed in order to make space for possible future expansions, so don't get too comfy with them.
  4. jokerr77

    jokerr77 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Place holder #2 Time to revive and update this guide! Can you believe the original guide was made on January the 19th, 2012?!
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