Are you a cat person or a dog person, both or neither If you dont have either, which one would you like, both or neither
I would've picked cats, but they dont blow up like /kittycannon so i chose neither. Should have put an option for Slimes IMHO
Both cats and dogs. Cats are not cold. They just don't show it, like some humans. Dogs show their emotions, but a bit hyper. So I love both. Got 2 cats 2 kittiez.
I cannot decide. Probably dogs, because when I see cats I spontaneously combust and die. This video describes it:
I am way more of a dog person, but I like both. Gimme a german shepherd or corgi puppy and I will squee like a little girl, no joke. This kitten though, is unbelievably adorable: Also, *hands Poccy a basket full of kittens and puppies!! And a pony for good measure.*
I love all animals. But i am allergic at cats and dogs. Dogs isn't a big deal. But cats IS!!! Everytime i see a cat i am starting fucking arround . Well i would love to have a dog tho. Can't cats