Core Update For Minecraft Server

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by Natbyte, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    After all of the delays with Bukkit and the new version of Minecraft Server (1.5_02) at long last we are now finally back up to speed, all our key plugins have been updated and a number have been added along with a few key play related changes to the server.

    Plugins and Updates

    Minecraft Server 1.5_02
    Bukkit Build #740
    AntiBuild 1.4.1
    Essentials 2.2.6
    GroupManager 1.0(alpha-5)
    FishPeople 1.4
    HeroChat 4.10.3
    Lockette 1.3.7
    LogBlock 0.14
    MagicCarpet 1.5.5
    MinecartManiaAdminControls 1.1.4
    MinecartManiaCore 1.1.5
    SignColours 0.3
    Stargate 0.4.3
    Vanish 1.5.2
    WorldEdit 4.4
    WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10
    iConomy 4.65

    The key changes to the server are as follows, we have removed NPC shop keepers because when the server is busy with many players using the NPC's this caused server crashes, effecting gameplay for all so until further notice NPC's are removed from Minecraft Server, we are currently investigating adding another shop related plugin and will begin testing soon.

    All Veteran status players use of Magic Carpet has been removed, this plugin was originally intended as an admin / mod plugin to be used for removal of 1x1 pillars and other sky related grief. In place and more in keeping with the feel of the game, all Veterans can when wearing a gold helmet now breathe underwater.

    A long term vision for the server is removal of warps, these are to be replaced with our developing subway system and Stargates both allowing for fast travel, in my personal opinion they offer a more natural way to explore our world however warps will remain during the transition period. Plenty of notice will be given before they are removed.

    Finally we have added another core plugin to our setup called Minecart Mania. After much testing on the temporary map after the last Minecraft update it was decided that mine carts and tracks be allowed back into the game, providing we have a server wide ability to remove empty carts, Minecart Mania gives us this ability amongst others. On the live map so far they are no longer causing an issue with either crashing or lag.

    I have also had a number of requests to extend the building competition due to the length of time we had with a temporary map, the competition will be extended and a news updated will be posted in full on the matter.
    #1 Natbyte, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014

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