Note. The television should be inspected while I am present on the plot. I would have to operate the button while the inspecter is seated in the theater. Dzyriq has already seen it. Another Note. I have no idea why, but my friend 0_herobrine0_ already posted an application regarding my engineer plot. Please consider reading this one as this is the REAL application. 1. What is your in game name? DanishHumair. 2. Are you a constructor? Yes. 3. Are you the only builder on the project? Yes. 4. What is the warp to get to your plot? My second plot. /plotme home:2 DanishHumair 5. Post at least 2 pictures of your plot. YOU MUST POST PICTURES. You may need to shrink them first and there are lots of sites to shrink pictures for you.
Thank you so much!! Lol, this is the first time I have achieved a rank. ^.^ Lol, ima put your head on my plot xD