Name: Darth_Stormth I am a constructor Im the only builder on my plot Plot: p h:1 Darth_Stormth ---------------------------------------- Also check out my plot before you dicide on if its good or not please.
The idea is really good, but it is not worked out in a good way yet. The ships have barely any detail to it (you can, as example, create interior) and look very plain, try varying blocks. What are the + shaped things on the walls? If they are supposed to be star I suggest to put use 1 sea lantern and + shaped sea lanterns (without the corner blocks) IN the wall instead of against the wall. As a last thing the area feels empty, not much is going on. So unfortunately denied.
i want stanky to look at my plot before a official decision is made, also stanky gave me the star idea, so i just want him to look because i used some ideas he liked and so i need him to look before i feel like my plot is shit i guess