Trader Requirements: You must be a Settler or higher rank. (check) You must have enough funds in you account to pay for the rank. (check) You must have read the server rules. Questions: What is your in game name? Eduardo21 Have you read the server rules here? Yes. What is your current rank on the server?Settler Do you have enough money in your account? Yes (25,000) How did you earn the money you are using to make this application. I farmed Luciano2572 big sugar cane farm, converted papers into emeralds, got around 7 stacks, then I found a npc that gave 3 glowstones on 1 emerald, so i got 20~stacks of glowstone. Then i went to AlfMart and sold all that glowstone for 350$/16 glowstone... that gives 1.4k/stack, giving even more than what is needed for trader. (Just to make clear, this is my second acc)