Post a screenshot of a /msg fail that embarrassed you. (For example: forgetting to put a slash before you do /msg, or if you're talking to someone and you do /r and out of nowhere someone else /msg-es you. I gotta admit that's happened to me at least 14 times
I don't have a screenshot and I can only recall, but it went something like this I was using /r to talk to th31guy37 and the second I wrote '/r I won't tell anyone about the TnT' Novablair messaged me and it sent the message to him. XP Also, Tennis Elbow? XD
Not really, no. If you mean it being a question then it is, but otherwise Tennis Elbow is a real thing
I was talking to someone who wasnt going to school so I was like "Yeah I'll text you during class" and thought I was in message lol
I remember someone msging me that I didn't like them. I forgot the / so... Xariaxx: msg someone of course I like you. Guess how dumb I felt.