In game name:Emma22 Are you constructor:Yes What is the warp to your plot:/p h:2 Emma22 Post at least 2 photos of your plot:
I love the angles you have taken these screenshots, it really stands out towards your reputation of your plot
Im not really sure about what to say about this build, there are some great places and some not as great. How ever over all I got a really cramped feeling when I was inside your houses and looked. In general I found more that put it down than pushed the build up to designer level. What needs to be worked on: Exterior design The inside of most houses are cramped. Especially the school. What is good: The road & parks are very nice Layout of the town is great The Ohio hotell is a very nice idea, You have really used the under ground theme in a cool way To me it does not really reach designer level how ever I would like the other OS's to say what they think first.