Hey guys, Just writing this thread about Euro Truck Simulator, and I must say myself, what a fantastic game. Probably one of the best simulators around, from things such as the graphics to the huge map, the detail put in is bloody fantastic and I would definitely recommend this game to anyone. http://store.steampowered.com/app/227300/ < Currently on sale on Steam! Pick it up while you can. http://store.steampowered.com/app/227310/ < The Go East DLC has also been reduced in price. Highly highly recommend this game!
Iss aight. I mean, if you're into simulators you will love it to death, but I like a little more action so after the first hour of playing seriously and actually trying to get from A to B, I just ended up ramming people off the road and driving like a maniac, boring myself rather fast. The graphics are beautiful though, and the truck interiors are very detailed.