Expansion Of Ranks - Part 3: The Mayor

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by BSPiotr_backup, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Ahhh the Mayor. I thought this one would be difficult, but not this difficult. A lot of details had to come into planning before we could push this rank through. Mostly, how many blocks would we give? How do we administrate towns? Can we let Mayors govern their regions in different ways?

    A month or so later I have a few answers for you....

    1. Your current rank must be Manager.
    2. You pay 10,000 gold nuggets on the 7th floor of the Wizard's Tower at spawn
    3. You sacrifice 1 stack of emerald at the same time
    1. Marketer +
    2. New Prefix in chat
    3. Trails: Town Aura
    4. +40,000 bonus blocks for your town (200x200)
    5. Ability to set town rules board upon communication with OS
    6. Other minor perks to be disclosed when finished (un-finished, will need some time to implement)

    From the wiki, this shows the ideas that went into the rank:
    A final tier, so we add a new prefix, and a new trail.

    40,000 bonus blocks --- This was a lot of discussion and thought. For some time, this was 22500 instead (150x150), but after talking with a few players that were managers already, I decided to increase the bonus (to 200x200) and increase the price (from 7.5 to 10K).

    Town Rules board --- This was a lot of discussion with the other OS. You may have noticed, but our activity has spiraled downwards lately. We don't have the time to make sure every little detail is done properly unless we sit down and do it in one sitting. So we're going back to the town system 2 maps ago: You make a rules board, review it with the OS (basic idea is: min 2 weeks eviction, no game-breaking rules, no silly rules, rules about theme and look and size are acceptable), we lock it in place, and then you can enforce them (to a reasonable limit). With griefprevention, its even easier, as you can subdivide your claims, give them to others, and then remove them from that claim once a decision has been reached that someone violated your rules enough to be evicted or their stuff taken down. Please note, that until reavers are completed, all items and blocks inside a claim are the players, and we will be happy to help you move/remove buildings if they keep their things.

    Other perks --- expect a new post about this sometime in the future. We're thinking of horizontal bedrock as a tool to help you guide people to their floors. We will see how feasible this is.

    For now, enjoy the new rank, and remember to make a portal on the "Town" network if you want your town to be publicly accessible! I will be making a portal in spawn to help out :)
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