Factions has come to MCS. Release date. 18th December 2016 18:00 GMT Check your local timezone so you know when we go live. Upon joining the Factions server you will be given the rank of Outlander. Much like Settler, for Survival, this rank has your basic permissions. Ranking up from here, will require you to /register in game. From there, you can go down some of the rank ladders. We use gold nuggets as the currency here. (Named gold pieces in game.) Apart from the obvious you can acquire gold pieces by selling certain items to the admin shop at spawn. Pigmen do not drop golden nuggets. But they do drop some tasty pork. Damage multipliers have been tweaked too. More information on this will be on the Wiki. So make sure to check that out over the coming weeks. Many things will be added to factions over the coming months. We will be taking suggestions for changes on the server. So if there's something you think will benefit the server, make sure to tell us about it in the factions suggestion section on the forums. We hope to see you very soon! - Faction staff