o...m...g... *drools* Now I want a delicious, yet unhealthy nom, with chocolate of course.... but curses, I have nothing!!! This is just like the root beer float incident with kenny!
*Meanwhile in Aqua's head* Ah, so that is his IP.. Mhmmm... Now hacking his ISP.. That's where he lives. "I am comming "
Oh no! The cupcake looks so gewd. I might gain 1 pound for eating it... but it's so worth it! XD However, it's stolen by the evul dude Exa! >8( I have to post an ad here: Please contact me for your employment as an assassin. I would like to have someone to assassinate Exa for my stolen cupcake! >:O
Well I guess its time to go move *pickes up laptop, goes to McDonald's wifi* ok that solves that issue Looks like we need a rollback over here ^^