Guide/Tips to becoming Architect

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by MNPro, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. MNPro

    MNPro Active Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    As an architect I see all of the applications for the rank. As well as flying around the map looking at homes/builds. I have seen many good and bad building ideas. I put together a few tips I think are the most important to having an architect worthy project. I think this will help a lot of you out. Enjoy!

    Size- When building an architect project much of the wow factor comes from the size. In order to be worthy of architect, the build must be large. If you look at the accepted builds, the area is around 100x100 blocks in size. Though it is not required, I recommend an area that is about 100x100 blocks. Remember, The larger the build the more detailed it can be.

    Location- I believe that the location of the build is very important when it comes to building well. If you are building a tropical island resort than you cant build it in a tundra biome that just doesn’t make sense. Instead find a beach or ocean biome to build it. If your build is just a simple home, make sure that the colors match well with the surrounding area. Don’t build a home in a snow biome with nether rack; try to use white, gray, stone colors. Keep in mind that using all white on snow isn’t a good idea either. Keep a nice balance between colors and contrast them.

    Use of Materials- Use of different materials is also a very good idea when trying to build something amazing. The use of materials creates different colors and texture for your eyes to look at. Please don’t simply build an only stone box and call it an amazing build. When building, I generally use 2or 3 main materials for the outside. Try brainstorming ideas of 2 or 3 materials that go together.

    Redstone -Redstone adds to builds by not only making them complex-looking, but adds time, effort, and appeal to the overall build. I look for redstone in all the builds, and remember, one could get architect off strictly a redstone project. Redstone shows true minecraft building knowledge and advanced skill as well.

    Originality- I beg all of you great builders to not build and submit something that has already been done. For example, everyone has built a castle and a mansion. Unless it’s the best build of that type out there it will most likely just get compared to the best. Also it is very boring to see the same things. Be creative and come up with something original. Having an totally new idea adds to the wow factor many times.

    Planning- I highly suggest that you fully plan out you project before building. Whether that is on a program, piece of paper and pen or simply laying out the design in cobbles stone. Have a good idea of what you are going to build and how it’s going to fit together inside and out.

    Creative Lighting- Lighting is a simple but essential topic in building well. Having a dark project wont get you the votes you need. Use torches and glow stone to show off your build at night as well as the inside. Having a dark project attracts mobs, which isn’t good. Also use windows as a good source of natural lighting. Be creative on ways to light up your project.

    Natural blending- Let me explain, when building a project, it should seem that your build was suppose to be there. This goes hand and hand with location. The biome needs to match your build. If you are building an igloo than it should be in a snow/tundra biome surrounded in snow and ice. Also what this means is that you should shape your build around the land. If there is a lake, maybe curve your build around the lake instead of removing it. As before, be creative and original with this.

    Story- Each successful architect build has a good story behind it. In my opinion Tlw’s build shows this the best. He built the Enola gay from World War 2. The plane he recreated is very important to world history and has a good background story. He was able to bring the story to life with his build. Be creative and make up a story if you want. It gives the build a special aspect that is great.

    Time/effort- These builds should take you a while to complete no matter how fast you work. I know that each successful architect application took a long time to complete. I took around a month playing most days for a few hours each day to complete. Please do not rush a build to just to be done with it. If you are looking for an easy and quick rank, than you are looking in the wrong place. Remember, architect isn’t going anywhere. We can tell if you put effort into a build or not.

    Overall WOW factor- The phrase “WOW factor” comes up a lot when it comes to architect. The wow factor has a lot to do with overall size and detail. If you look at Tsu’s build he made a huge pixel art statue. It was huge and had great detail such as the blood drops. The use of expensive materials adds wow factor to it also. To have wow factor you must have the size, detail add effort/time needed.

    Architect apps-

    Architect Wiki-

    The architect rank has a lot to offer if you are willing to put the effort in to obtaining it. If you dont succeed the first time, dont give up. I highly suggest that you look at the other architect apps to see what and what not to do. Also if you’re basing your build off something else, look up pictures! Hope this helped!
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  2. MNPro

    MNPro Active Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Also, please refer anyone that is currently trying to become architect, it may help them out a lot. Thanks
  3. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Good guide MNPro :)
    After reading this I regret submitting my tiny boat for Architect a few months ago. :oops:
  4. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Great guide, well worth reading if you are considering applying for the rank!
  5. Dzyriq

    Dzyriq Just another humble Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    No need to regret posting for a rank.
  6. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Well I don't regret it, I take that back..
    At first I wish I had posted something I actually built.. (Shame on me)
    And at the second try - I wish I had made my boat a bit bigger.
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  7. MNPro

    MNPro Active Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Added redstone thanks to bajj. :)
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  8. emil_97

    emil_97 Well Known Member

    Sep 4, 2011
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  9. Wiiillx

    Wiiillx Well Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Fix your spoiler by putting a space after your link, I think :)
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  10. watkinni1

    watkinni1 Active Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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