Creative Guidelines To A Good Designer / Engineer Application

Discussion in 'Designers / Engineers' started by TechTeller, Jul 13, 2013.

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  1. TechTeller

    TechTeller Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Hello creative server folk!
    So, we've been seeing a lot of Designer applications that are not up to par with the required standards.
    Here are a couple of guidelines that will let you know if your plot is worth submitting as a designer application.

    1. Choose a unique theme. New types of builds are encouraged provided they be appropriate and make sense. Don't choose to submit a castle, mansion, city, etc as your designer app.
    2. Use all of your plot. There are several designer applications that do not even use 1/4th of the plot to showcase the build. In most cases, it is a statue, wood hut or other tiny structures that are not impressive in the least. Used the entire surface of your plot? Rise into the sky!
    3. Build big. Yes, size does matter. A structure that encompasses the entire area of a plot and extends from surface to sky is doubly likely to be accepted as a designer app than something that looks like a little hut in the middle of a lake.
    4. Spend time on detail. A build that has many intricate details, patterns and designs looks good in the overall picture compared to a structure that has flat walls of monotonous stone brick. After your building is complete spend atleast a week for fine-tuning.
    Remember, whatever you build is never enough. Just strive to make it better! Good luck!
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