To rank up in the Builder tree is simple; just build a structure of the required size, and make a new thread with as title the tier you are applying for in this forum with the following format: (Copy this format) 1. What is your ingame name? 2. What is your current Builder rank? 3. Are you the only Builder on this project? 4. What are the coordinates to your project (Optionally /sw coordinates)? Are there any nearby nether portals? 5. Post at least 2 pictures of your plot. YOU MUST POST PICTURES. You may need to shrink them first and there are lots of sites to shrink pictures for you (like 6. Here it gets interesting; Apprentice level application; Put up a 2 week poll with the options 'yes' and 'no'. You need to get at least 50% voted yes to be approved. At least 2 of the people who voted 'yes' have to be staff (any staff member). Adept level application; Put up a 2 week poll with the options 'yes' and 'no'. You need to get at least 66.7% voted yes to be approved. At least 2 of the people who voted 'yes' has to be Admin (Admin and/or Overseer). Expert level application; At this point only staff will vote and you don't need to put up a poll, you will need at least 75% of the staff to vote yes. Master level application; This rank will be voted for by the Overseers only. Remember that this is just a preview for the community to even see if your plot is worth checking out. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS OTHER PEOPLE TO COME LOOK AT YOUR PLOT, THEY WILL LOOK AT IT WHEN THEY GET THE TIME. You may ask nicely, however. DO NOT POST MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION FOR THE SAME BUILDER LEVEL PER MONTH. LOOK AROUND BEFORE YOU POST - UNLESS YOUR PLOT IS AS IMPRESSIVE AS A CURRENT SAME LEVEL BUILDER PLOT, YOU HAVE NO CHANCE FOR APPROVAL! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE MORE THAN 1 BUILDER ON THE PLOT! REMEMBER TO PUT A 2 WEEK YES/NO POLL ON YOUR THREAD WHERE APPLICABLE! Let us know if you need it edited in. A BUILDING CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE (1) TO ACHIEVE A RANK; ONCE A BUILDING HAS BEEN ACCEPTED IT CAN NOT BE USED TO GET THE NEXT BUILDER RANK! When your building is accepted you will be given a permission node which allows you to use the sign to purchase the next builder rank.