Well, I stole this name from my brother when I was 8 or 9 and I've used it for EVERYTHING. I think its time to get something creative and readable. * Only post suggestions if you feel it suits what I like * Here are some names I've come up with - Dark Cypher - Delinquist or Delinquest - Genocidal Reverse - Genocidal in Reverse - Genocidal Divinity ( I do not particularly like Genocidal, but these I do like, treat them like the others, I dont have a thing for that word )
ReginaldVanFartPuffer Turd_McGinty IBangedOprah TepidBalls 11l1l1l1111l11l111l1 JosephKoney Flock_Of_Seaballs MontyPythonCliche But really - how about: Goosifer! *quack*
Umm.. I dont give a shit about other usernames. LOL. If these are suggestions, really? Have people become 95% uncreative!?
Zachamoo I know the owner of a minecraft account called stanky1 xD aijdw--#xgray--@afijsa Yes I just made that as hard as possible to see But I speak the truth xD
I already took RedstoneRapist sorry LapisAsses ILoveSlimeBalls EnderOffendHer FillHerFish (Silverfish) BedRockHard JungleWood BigNetherRacks IhaveNetherWarts SmeltingRawBeef GiantBlazeRod ExtendedPiston MyPistonIsSticky Too easy
I try to make new words when I work with ign's Here are some names that i made up at once . Dzyriq was made this way. Serana Minare Apjago Orashte Pelzxor Doradze Pm-Bistro
Seriously: Feinster Jemster RiffleBang Aroughs Hadarac Carvahall Utgard Kuasta Jeroah Steckster FraggingBang