I'm trying to come up with an interesting TF2 map that involves a place/location in the world. I would prefer areas/screenshots that look unique from the timeline of 1901-1980 (Current). So far, dry as a bone. I need help here, map creation is the only thing that's keeping me busy at this point, and I've got a whole summer ahead of me.
The alamo! Fortress, real battles happened there so what better? Multiple barracks and places to take shelter, plus rooms inside and out for spawns that are big enough. Many places for interacting with surroundings and for easter eggs to be hidden. Pictures/Maps: http://www.tamu.edu/faculty/ccbn/de...riod/valero/valero_Images/postcards/343hr.jpg http://www.cartographersguild.com/a...g/33114d1296668305-alamo-map-wip-alamo-_3.jpg http://jman5.com/alamo/images/alamo-map-1.gif Minecraft diagram because minecraft thats why: http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1233/2012-08-16_124147_3277513.jpg The minecraft diagram isn't close to real size but it looks nice and you can see areas easier.