Basically there's been a jumping potion going round recently, there's been several people giving them out, about 5. The ringleader is susposedly Limpnoodle2000. The screenshot of the plot is apparently if it's not Limpnoodle where people have been getting them from. Several credible members have seen these potions: NemoD98 Serite Purple9100 Tiddler39 Myself I also told stanky about these later but we only seem to have got rid of 40 of about 400. Player names: Spider543214 Limpnoodle2000 Ironzillachris Destroyeur999 If you wish to examine the genuine article it is on a locked chest on the top of the welcome signs on my 1st plot. Fly up and you'll see it. Thank you for your time and if an OS could get on quick it would be nice.
*the plot is where they get it from if it's not limpnoodle. I posted something similar to this in various grievances but I need non forum staff such as Nemo and Purple to see this. Sorry about innapropriate place to place it on the forums. Anyway yeah.
Why didn't you just destroy the potion? This is creative I know hacks are illegal and whatnot but it's honestly not that big of a deal it's just a jumping potion
Destroying the potion would work. If there wern't so many damn copies spreading around the server. I can't get my hands on every one of them
Also, It makes sense that if he can hack in a potion then perhaps he can hack in more things, it just takes one exploit to cause quite a bit of damage. Of course, all damage is reversible, but we don't really want to take the time of reversing it, do we?
I disagree with how you say that it isn't a big deal and that he should've just destroyed the potion. If he just destroys the potion, he wouldn't have very much evidence other than a few pictures, and if there is something that players like this are getting by us, then there is something in the server that really needs to get fixed before something bigger ends up on our hands.
imme, its a big deal cuz these guys want a HACK FREE server. Remember, Nat pays for all this stuff, and I don't think he wants some asshole hacker to ruin his awesome server.
First of all. This is a simple jumping potion I wouldn't be getting my knickers in a twist for this. Chances are a higher staff member like an OS created the potion originally and it just spread from there. Secondly it is nigh impossible to find and destroy all the potions as in creative mode it is as simple as hitting the pickblock key to make an exact copy of an item. So the endeavors to stop this are cute but pointless. Focus your efforts on something else that is slightly more important than a few peoples fun with jumping really high. But if the OS's really want to stop this it's as easy as installing NCP which is hella annoying from a staff members perspective and from a users perspective.
There is no such thing as a jump potion on its own. They have to be created using an NBT editor or other program that allows changing what effects a potion will give. I used to create custom potions myself for games on another server, but that required some access to the server files so that I could import them. If I'm correct only Nat has access to such things. There are some plugins that do offer the ability to do the same but I'm not certain if the server has any of them installed as it has not seemed to be a priority to any here to edit NBT data.
The server, the players. You, I, everyone else that plays on this server. It would just as much affect us as the staff, which is why we are supposed to report things, which is why I said getting by "us".
Well theres that, and in the part of Texas where I'm from, everything is us, we, and our. And every soft drink is coke.
I don't know where they call every soft drink rootbeer, but down here we ask for a coke then someone asks what kind. So theres Root bear coke, dr.pepper coke, and so on.
You know a simple report to the OS would of been better. Not every person needs to know about this and if it did become a BIG issue an OS could make a thread warning players to watch out for these potions.