Well my other thread I made is gone now, but anyways League of Legends aka lol is a moba style game inspired by Wc3's dota mod. Game play info Players are formed into 2 even teams of Champions, 3v3 or 5v5. As of 8 May 2012 there are 97 different champions from which to choose. Each player begins at opposing sides of a map in an area called the Spawning Pool, near what is called a Nexus. A match is won when either team's nexus is destroyed. To destroy a Nexus, each team must work through a series of Turrets placed along a path to each base referred to as a Lane. Along the way, each player gains levels from killing the opposing team's champions and Minions (npcs that constantly spawn and attack the other team) and defeating neutral monsters. Completing objectives rewards players with god which is used to purchase items. If you want to play click this link here. Also it does have referral thing in there so it would help me out. Minecraft server players names and server (cause eu can't que with na) Ruffles589..........BobSagget17 Na Stylether.............Stylether Eu TechTeller96.......Wilwark Eu
Also my favorite champs are: Lux, Kennen, Irelia, Miss Fortune, Jax, Annie, Gangplank, and yes I have alot of favorites.
My fav champions: Kayle and Miss Fortune. And the occasional Viktor. (I also play Annie, but that's purely because I like tibbers, and not cause I like annie ) Additionally, I would be on the EU server, named (yup, you can guess): Stylether Therefore, if you need a EU referral, just do this l ink instead of Ruffles' NA referral, because I believe you'd be paired to that server, and you'll lag to death then, here you go. Also, Ruffles didn't explain that there's also a secondary game mode called "Domination", taking away the entire "Kill Minion" part and adding more "Kill Players" into the equation. Trying to explain it would make my post beyond 10k characters, so I would just recommend looking at it.
Finally, I thought up an interesting name, instead of boring old Technology Teller ^_^ Name: Wilwark Server: EU
Platinum 3 -Curling Veigar I actually main Jungle Twitch, LoLking me http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/19741762 P.S. Just got out of a support Ahri game